Buying Books

Did you know we buy the books of each of the winners and runners-up from Amazon?

This is so that we can leave a review for them because reviews are so important to authors. Even a small review can help boost the algorithms so that an author’s book(s) can be seen.

~The Lesfic Bard Awards, making a difference, one book at a time.


2023 Runners Up of the Lesfic Bard Awards


I’m Not Scared … You Are

by Ocean

Fifteen tales that delve into the unexplainable world of the mystical, paranormal, and supernatural

~ Spiders ~ Cemeteries ~ Skulls ~ Haunted Houses ~ Witches ~ And more!

Each story is uniquely designed to intrigue and delight while inviting sensations of foreboding, terror, and surprise.

A Good Day Fer A Burnin’
A Grave Digger’s Revenge
Diary from Hell’s Waiting Room
The Incredible Ionizing Nano Aerosol Eliminator
Dolly’s Place
Witch Tit Mountain
Spider Island
Say You’re Sorry
I.M. Strange
The STP Moths
Handy Bob
The Fog Flashlight
Skull Castle

You’re invited to enter these worlds of the bizarre and unusual. Simply get comfortable in a dim candle-lit room and turn the first page.

Author’s Note – Some of these Sapphic adventure stories have been previously published as stand-alone offerings or included in group anthologies.


The Blood-Born Dragon Book One of the Everlands Cycle

by J.C. Rycraft

A bond she didn’t choose.
A love she can’t escape.
A creature so powerful it bends the limits of time…

Smart, sassy, and sanguine, Des Mildue is a traveling sellsword in Rescalin, a dry and dusty kingdom full of rogues, opportunists, and thieves. She keeps her nose clean, brazens it out with a blade when she can’t, and keeps others at arm’s length where they can’t mess up her plans.

That is, until a sword fight gone wrong leaves her tied by blood to the first dragon hatched in centuries. Suddenly, Des has to contend with a new voice in her head: haughty, willful Esquidamelion. Des wants to leave Squid by the roadside, but the blood bond has other ideas.

With half the world on their tail – including Liv, her beautiful, faithless ex who Des is definitely over – Des must search for answers for why so many are willing to kill, maim and torture to get their hands on Squid. But she’s beginning to suspect her blood bond has tied her not only to a dragon, but to a fight for Rescalin’s future…

…and no one else even knows it’s at risk.


The Beginning of Goodbye

by Lark Sullivan

Would you follow your desires, no matter the consequences?

A friend, a lover, a stranger…follow the stories of ten women as they decide whether to risk everything to pursue the women they desire and discover the truth behind one woman’s journey to heal a broken heart.


Say Their Names

by Karen Badger

Jo Benson is a political science professor. Tam Allen is a cardiac care nurse. Jo and Tam met several years previously, at a demonstration protesting police brutality against the black community.

After several years together, they relocate from South Carolina to upstate New York when Jo is offered a tenured position at the State University of New York.

Two years after relocating, Jo and Tam purchase an old mansion in the Adirondack region of New York. History collides when they discover secrets about their new home that will change their lives forever.

Join them as they strive to discover who had been living in their attic for sixty years.


The Haunting of Oak Springs

by Crin Claxton

Ghosts are rising at Oak Springs farm, and supernatural detective Tony Carson is facing her deepest mystery yet. Tony and her Trinidadian best friend, Jade, unravel clues searching for a woman who doesn’t want to be found.

Red and Chris are the last lesbians living on the women’s land farm, oblivious to the secrets buried around them. If developers start digging before Tony finds the missing woman, Red and Chris are in trouble. When an old enemy returns to the village, will the rural community of Wooly Mill side with Oak Springs, or will homophobic history repeat itself?

And while Tony and Jade are rallying the women’s group, a devious plan is spinning around them. The supernatural detective needs to watch her step. The past has long fingernails, and they’re clawing at the ground beneath Tony’s feet.

New Author

The Imposed Path ~ The Gem Keepers Saga

by Timothy M. David

I’ve been called Hero, Protector, even an Angel. But to act in this manner, there must be an act of brutal savagery. Sorrow, terror, pain is the Hero’s experience. To be a Hero means to live in a nightmare.

My name is Emma, and this is my life now. I remember tales about heroes as a kid; full of excitement and fantasy endings. But those are just stories. When I got my powers they seemed exciting and fun; but then reality hit. Cosmic war, invading alien fleets, and the Stone Keepers; these are my reality. Those, and other atrocities caused by our own species, overshadow the hero’s path. Atrocities I’m compelled to act upon, which leave everlasting scars – others can’t see. Myself, my partner, and my new friends, are the latest chosen as Gem Keepers. All of the Gem Keepers before us have fallen to a powerful evil. Now, Earth is thrust into a timeless war, against an unimaginable enemy. We must somehow unite our world, or it will all be lost. The ones I love, those who bring me a sense of happiness, will perish. I refuse to let this happen.

So call me a Hero, call me whatever you want. Just understand this was an Imposed Path, and it’s just the beginning.

The Imposed Path is the first book in the Gem Keepers Saga. It follows Emma through her eyes, as she and her new friends are forced into a cosmic war. Powerful enemies, invading alien fleets, and the dark side of human nature; is what she must face. Emma’s new found love, and friendships; will be her strongest tools in overcoming these challenges. This series will dive into the dark aftermath of Emma’s many experiences – the physical and emotional impact of being a hero. Pain, sorrow, and terror fill this journey; will love and friendship be enough. How much can a hero endure? Will she be able to keep her promise to the one she loves, and Never Let Go.


Consecrated Ground

by Virginia Black

Consecrated Ground is a multiracial lesbian paranormal tour de force that will leave you wary of the shadows and absolutely breathless.

Like her father before her, Joan Matthews is a witch. For generations, their family of binder witches has protected Calvert, Oregon from vampires by strengthening the land with spellcraft. Pushing back against tradition, Joan defied her father and left town to become a war witch, one who fights the monsters hand-to-hand. But when her father dies, Joan returns to find her hometown assailed by a vampire lord’s endless attacks—and the answers lie with the one woman who chose a rival over Joan.

Leigh Phan once believed her heart was safe and her future was set. When Joan left town, Leigh’s choices led to ruin and unintended consequences. Now Leigh harbors a dark secret forcing her to live a moment-to-moment existence. Her only hope of survival lies in trusting the war witch who left her behind.

Now it’s up to Joan to fight for a town she left behind, while Leigh faces a destiny she never imagined was possible. With Calvert on the brink of total destruction, Joan and Leigh join forces and face inconvenient truths in order to save their town—and each other.


Baby Bank: A Lesbian Comedy

By Sarah Robinson

Mila Torres is a successful divorce lawyer by day, stand-up comedian by night and by all accounts—except her mother’s—living a bisexual elder millennial’s dream life in Washington, DC. That is, until she realizes she’s only a year away from hitting the ripe old age of thirty-five and her doctor suggests at her annual pap smear that maybe she should consider freezing her eggs if she wants kids in the future. Except, she doesn’t want a child in the far future…she wants a child right now.

This poses a bit of a problem since she’s ten swipes past single and living Golden Girls style with two of her best friends who work on Capitol Hill and one ornery old cat. That is, until she hears a story from a friend about a free sperm bank online app called Baby Bank. A few margaritas later and Mila has swiped on over fifty sperm donors until she finds the perfect match—handsome, successful, brilliant, everything you’d want your sperm to be.

Now she’s meeting him at a hotel—along with two of her friends for backup—to complete the process. All should have gone smoothly, except when she learns that her sperm donor is the brother of the reporter that Mila has been dodging for months, and that while she originally only wanted this man’s baby, she actually wants his sister, too.

In a comedic story of LGBTQIA+ romance and millennial-specific drama, Mila finds that motherhood and dating are not compatible when you keep it all in the family and that the modern millennial woman might not actually be able to have it all.

Science Fiction


by Gina A. Pond

Jack Kirby, haunted by the memories of a failed colonization mission and the loss of his lover, seeks solace in a new position as Religious Program Specialist on a remote PreCol station. Surprised to find a new family in his colleagues– his boss, the enigmatic Chaplain Marsha Brooks, cheerful Ensign Jenny, and determined Ensign Mark– he is able to finally start healing. However, after terrorists target a ship from the AI nation of Survey, Jack soon becomes embroiled in an espionage game that has galactic implications. As the stakes rise and dangers loom, can Jack keep his new family safe?


A Perfect Fit

by Kellan McKnight

Ella Gardner is a high school English teacher and former volleyball star who lost out on her chance to play in college when she became pregnant with her daughter in her senior year of high school. Fed up with the direction of her life, she acknowledges her sexuality at thirty-five and decides to try online dating. While her first and only foray into that world did not work out the way she had intended, happenstance brought her into the orbit of the woman who would change her life forever.

Parker Chase is everyone’s friend and every woman’s conquest. She’s always looking for her next one-night companion until a statuesque blonde strolls up to her bar one night. She never believed in love at first sight before now, but can she overcome a troublesome past which leaves her feeling unworthy of any lasting affection?

The twists and turns on the road to love are never easy to navigate. And with a cast of characters that will make you cry and keep you in stitches from one chapter to the next, this story visits old tropes and looks at them with new eyes. Happily ever after free with purchase.

The Lesfic Bard Awards participates in the Amazon Associates program. When you click on the buy links on this blog or on our website, you contribute a small percentage that costs you nothing out of your purchase price, to maintaining the awards.

We buy books

In our continuing efforts to help the authors who are runners-up and winners in the Lesfic Bard Awards, we buy their books (yes, we have the copies they sent in, but we do this for a very specific reason). I don’t know if or of any other awards site that does this. We do this so that we can leave a review on Amazon and part of their rules is that you must have bought the book. This doesn’t mean they will put up the review, they seem to be arbitrary about which reviews they allow up on what.

Now, our reviews are basically the same for every winner and then every runner-up. What I have tried to do is space out the reviews so whoever (or whatever, bots) that reviews the reviews before they are allowed up on the site, might not notice the similarity in reviews. But the day before we announced the runners-up, we bought all of their books (kindle). Then, the day before we announced the winners, we bought their books too. This gives us time to start reviewing the books after they are announced.

We hope by reviewing the books, those who read reviews, see that they have been runners-up or winners of our prestigious awards. That is, if Amazon allows it up. For some reason, it takes days and days or they simply do not put them up. I have put up the reviews, it’s up to them now. I know with the system Amazon put in place the ratings system has gone through the roof. This makes reviews that much MORE important to be seen.

When we review the book, we also put a picture with said review, making it even more noticeable. Those that won an award, get the award beside our review. The same with those who were runners-up, which is just as important. We want to promote their book and support it. They did a lot of hard work to get it to this stage and we are doing a lot of hard work to promote it.

To those authors whom Amazon allows the review to be seen, please, capture and promote it further. It helps your book to be seen, at least that is our hope.

Here is a sample of one of the reviews they allowed:

I would encourage anyone and everyone to leave reviews regardless of where you buy your books.

If you haven’t seen the list of winners and runners-up, check them out here!

Read ~ Review ~ Support our Lesbian Literature authors!

K’Anne Meinel, Author, Publisher, Administrator

2022 Lesfic Bard Awards Runner-up

At this time we would like to thank ALL the entrants into the 2022 Lesfic Bard Awards. We received the MOST entries this year in all the years we have been running the awards. Our judges were kept quite busy!


Britt Evans’ working holiday on picturesque Santorini turns perilous when a Greek photographer plunges from the island’s steep cliffs. The death is ruled an accident, but the enigmatic Susan Marcello of the American Embassy suspects otherwise. She enlists Britt to discover the truth, but is it a setup that will take her life?

Into the mix sails Cassie Burkhardt, a windsurfing computer engineer at the archaeological site. She finds herself falling hard for the enchanting Professor Evans… and becomes, like Britt, caught in a treacherous game between Greek intelligence and a criminal enterprise.

A gripping suspense/romance blend set in the land of myths and ancient ruins.


Nicole, a socially awkward loner, hasn’t seen her family of origin or her hometown for decades. Blocking out the pain and memories of her earlier life, she’s spent this time honing her skills as a talented wildlife photographer. When she’s offered a dream contract for a book, she hesitates, realizing that she would have to return to her hometown to do it. She takes it, hoping she can enjoy it without seeing her family, the woman she had adored from afar, or dredging up the past.


Syrene Harkman likes to be in control. She heads an award-winning global architectural firm, she designs things of beauty, she pays for the finest pleasures. When she loses one of the biggest jobs in her company’s history and turns forty-five on the same day, she does not appreciate the cheap, tacky, dive of a strip club her friends drag her to. With a half-decent whiskey in her hand, she decides to stay. What’s the worst that could happen?

Burlesque dancer and stripper Beatriz Rose has bills to pay, her grandmother to support and dreams of one day doing something more with that art-school degree than just repaying the student debt. She never expects true love to strike when she’s at work, but when it does, it hits her hard in the form of a steely, demanding and outright gorgeous woman. Bea breaks her own rules and finds herself in a client’s bed.

They’re perfect for each other but their worlds are a million miles apart. In the aftermath of a one night stand that flares hotter than either expected, the two women decide they’re meant for each other—but real life has other ideas.

Society tells them one night to forever is a fairy tale.


Amanda Hawthorne, Dr. Jen Dawson, and Detective Tommy Vietti volunteer to help in the aftermath of a terrorist attack in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dr. Jen treats victims in the hospital, including someone once very special to her, but makes a new friend in Nurse Denni Russo.

While on a dark ops mission, Amanda summons her inner strength to avoid falling into old habits as she learns earth-shattering revelations about her Scottish ancestry.

Tommy feels like he’s walking on shifting sands as he transitions from a city detective to an international agent, relying on his gut instincts, drinking abilities, and shooting skills.

Roxy performs a highwire balancing act by revealing something life-changing to Amanda while deftly training Tommy and Amanda to operate in her clandestine world.

Roxy, Tommy, and Amanda might be outgunned and outnumbered on foreign soil, but they’ll never be outsmarted as they attempt to save humanity.


Lucy Manetti is positively euphoric over her recent purchase of an old ghost town. Unfortunately, she failed to consult with her wife, Bea, before buying the abandoned village. Predictably, Bea is not as enamored with transforming the ghost town into a sapphic retirement community, but Bea’s love for her wife trumps her displeasure over Lucy’s impulsiveness. The mature couple hires Fiona, an expert at restoring old houses, and Saville, a certified electrician, to bring the ghost town back to its glory days.
According to the adorable real estate agent who recommended the pair, Fiona and Saville have history. Lucy detects a spark between the two young women and decides, against the advice of her wife, to play matchmaker, bringing her beautiful niece into the mix. As the ragtag team begins their work on the old saloon, they discover a lot more than they bargained for, including ghosts, long-buried secrets, an abused golden retriever, and maybe even love.


Attracted by passion, repelled by war. Can two shieldmaidens navigate battlegrounds of the sword and the heart?
A Viking sapphic enemies-to-lovers action/romance

Sigrid the Valiant is legendary throughout the kingdoms of Norvegr for her heroic deeds, but her love has yet to find a home. Now, racing on the heels of her father’s murder, a neighboring kingdom’s raids signal an all-out conflict.

Elyn is a young shieldmaiden with a score to settle, fighting her own insecurities along with enemies who threaten her homeland, but she suspects a more menacing danger lurks in the shadows.

When the two clash on opposite sides of their shield walls, sparks fly from both their swords and passions. But when they talk, the fierce women discover an antagonist’s plot has pitted their kingdoms against each other.

Can Sigrid and Elyn move past their suspicions and differences to forge a binding love and foil the villain’s scheme, or will the enemy’s assassins end their search for the truth?

Action, adventure, and intrigue ride together with romance in this enemies-to-lovers saga from the pre-Viking land of Norvegr. Award-winning, best-selling author Edale Lane brings history to life in this fast-paced sapphic novel.

Grab your ax and rönd and join the quest by clicking to buy now!


Solving mysteries is her business. Finding love is her dream. Will combining the two get her killed?
Daring Duplicity: The Wellington Mysteries, Vol. 1, Adventures of a Lesbian Victorian Detective is a collection of five sequential novellas, each encompassing its own exciting mystery while furthering the story of Stetson’s life in London.

Victorian Era England. Stetson revels in being unconventional. So when society shies away from her independent nature, the bold woman creates an imaginary boss and opens her own detective agency. And her keen observational skills, convincing disguises, and Holmesian methods quickly bring in a string of tough-to-crack cases.

Struggling to squeeze a personal life in around a series of hazardous investigations, Stetson worries she’ll never find a woman of like-passions. But with her heart set on true love despite the risk, she carries on hunting for the perfect relationship.

Will her clever escapades lead to death, or delight?

If you enjoy crime dramas, Victorian era fiction, or a sweet lesbian romance, then you’ll love award-winning author Edale Lane’s Daring Duplicity.

New Author

My world turned to shades of grey as I squared my shoulders and turned around. The woman with the short, dark hair and the blue scarf was the only source of color in the coffee shop. I seemed to glide across the floor until I found myself standing by her table. She had been stunning from across the room; up close she dazzled.

Suddenly, there was Sophie….

On the surface, Jensy Willett appears to have it all: good friends, a storied basketball career, a great job, and most important, the love of her life, Sophie Barnes.

But there is a secret in Jensy Willett’s past that she will not share. Not even with her beloved Sophie. That vow of silence will have far-reaching ramifications when a chance encounter results in a disastrous decision. A decision that will tear at the fabric of Jensy and Sophie’s relationship and send them spiraling out of control.

Can their relationship be saved?


In Book Two of this Mystic Meteor Tale, the meddling spirit Lily is back in matchmaking mode, working with a few new cohorts to help two women find their Evermore.

Raven, a reclusive but wealthy video game developer, needs more than just a paid caretaker; she needs true healing to melt the cold core of her deeply wounded heart. She’s lived her entire life without love and trusts no one. Only once did Raven allow anyone close, but it wasn’t to be, and she vowed Nevermore!

Lynn, a gifted empath, seeks a safe haven not only for herself but for a little girl that she’s sworn to protect. Like Raven, she experienced an early childhood rejection. Although she didn’t close herself off to others, Lynn has never shared herself entirely with another. It has kept her moving on from one relationship to another.

The advent of a spectral raven starts these women down a path that can potentially redress these old hurts if only they can open their hearts to each other. Join these two women in their quest to discover if the spirits and fate will bring them together or tear them apart.



Lenora owned a bar and had a great family and friends. But two things were missing.

One she was working on and the other just walked into her bedroom.

Jess was new in town and just started at the South Bend Indiana Police station in homicide. Her partner Sam had to make a quick stop one morning and she followed her in not knowing this one innocent move could very well change their lives forever.

If you are looking for an honest look at what really goes on in a relationship with a good laugh or two, not to mention hot sex that curls your toes be ready to enjoy, Rainbow Roses.

Novella ~ Erotica

Emily – I like simplicity, calmness and I love routine. So you can imagine how much I disliked having to find a new place to live and a new roommate. River is cluttered, she is a tornado of personality, sarcasm and nerdiness that makes my left eye twitch. Not to mention her hellcat, Gizmo, who wants to kill me in my sleep. But, once I looked past the wall of sarcastic remarks and attitude, I saw the real her, the one that she couldn’t show to the world and seeing her in that light became a drug.

River – I have a five year plan. Keep my head down, work myself up the ladder at the law firm and keep my ass tucked neatly in the closet until I can support myself without my parents’ help. It was going perfect, that is until Emily walked into my loft, critiquing my grammar and telling me exactly why the Ravenclaw house was far less superior than Hufflepuff. She irritated me, like an itch I couldn’t scratch, until she wasn’t. Then she became the person that made me want to throw away my five year plan for, but how could I? How could I throw my career, my life away for my roommate?

Novella ~ New Author

You can see all these, including links and bio’s (where available) on the website!

Lesfic Bard Awards is a participant in the Amazon Associates program.  This costs you nothing additional if you use our links above.
​Every click on the buy links contributes a small % of the sale of the books to help us support our awards, advertising, and the promotion of the authors who are winners or finalists.

2021 Lesfic Bard Award

Runner-Up List


Stone Memory by Aimée

available on Amazon

Clifton, present time. Kate O’Carroll has just moved to take up a new position at Bristol University. She’s found a lovely house that comes complete with its own library – a big bonus for an avid reader. Her new life seems to be starting auspiciously when she slips on the pavement and ends up at the local A&E. Adrienne Sargent, the surgeon on call, immediately feels a connection to her patient, but of course, there’s no reason they should meet again outside the hospital.
Clifton, 1900. Dorcas Fairstead, a parson’s daughter, is starting a teaching career at one of the pioneering colleges for women. Not much older than her students, she is finding her feet, making friends and writing a journal for the first time in her life. At a conference, she and her friends meet Elizabeth Sutcliff, a young doctor working at one of the first women’s hospitals in London.
There must be something in the air, for although none of these women is actively looking for love, life has other ideas. As past and present intersect, are they ready to follow their desires?

Action Adventure

Queen’s Ransom: A Fog City Novel by Layla Reyne

available on Amazon

Everyone leaves.

Love is risky business when you’re an assassin.
Helena Madigan has lost loved ones to the family business before. Now that she’s in charge, she’s determined never to risk her heart again.
Except every time Celia enters the room, she takes Helena’s breath away.

But the one time someone stays…

Celia Perri likes to be helpful.
She just wants to run the family auto shop, raise her kids, and help her brother plan his wedding.
But when a drive-by shooting targets the garage, Celia’s simple life is upended.
Now ensconced within the Madigan family, there’s no escaping Helena, the blonde bombshell she’s been crushing on for months.

It could cost her everything.

As the Madigans investigate, Celia witnesses their love and loyalty up close.
And their business.
Instead of being afraid, she sees a place for herself among them. She could be a confidant and caregiver—if only Helena would stop pushing her away. If only she’d admit their mutual attraction might lead to more.
And if only someone would stop shooting at them long enough to find out.

Queen’s Ransom is the fourth book in the Fog City romantic suspense series. It can be read as a stand-alone but is best enjoyed after reading books one through three of the series.

Self-Published at


Save the Date by various authors

Anne Roberts

Tagan Shepard
Jessie Chandler
Louise McBain
M.B. Guel
E. J. Noyes
Celeste Castro
Kay Acker
Dillon Watson
Cade Haddock Strong
Kate Gavin
Jaime Clevenger

available on Amazon

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence for her shoe.
A woman realizes she was meant to decline a wedding invitation, but only after she’s arrived. Can she borrow some of a stranger’s charm to make it through an awkward night?
A power outage during a rehearsal dinner. A vanishing bride. A distraught groom. How’s an innkeeper to keep up? Especially when the bride reappears with a strange request: help her escape her own wedding.
It’s awfully easy to bring “something old” to your wedding when one of the brides happens to be Death’s 700 year-old Head Minion.
As if a museum wasn’t enough of a draw for a history nerd, throw in holograms, a secret wedding, and a mysteriously well-informed woman and things really get interesting.
Weddings are so much more than parties. They’re a gathering of family and friends. The start of an adventure. And most importantly, they’re a celebration of love. From Bella Books comes a collection of short stories sure to put you in the mood to say “I do.”

Publisher: Bella Books


Girl Island by Kate Castle

Available on Amazon


Six teenage girls. One deserted island. Removed from civilised society, can they challenge class, identity and toxic femininity to pull together and survive? Or will they descend into savagery?

This thrilling must-read adventure novel is perfect for fans of The Hunger Games and Divergent.

Seventeen-year-old farm girl Ellery is used to being alone; used to taking care of herself. After she wins an athletics scholarship to a prestigious new school, she finds herself facing her own personal nightmare – stuck on a plane with a bunch of mean girls, the school dork and her ex-best friend. But when the plane crashes and they find themselves alone on a deserted island, the real challenge begins.

As they fight for survival, long-buried secrets are uncovered and – one by one – each girl’s true character emerges. Can friendships, like fires, be relit? And can Ellery survive on Girl Island?

Publisher: Dark Horse Publishing


Uncharted by Alli Temple

Available on Amazon

In a world of arrogant nobles and their punishing laws, Georgina will be hanged if anyone discovers she is a spy. But when the wicked prince proposes marriage, Georgina must accept. Refusing would expose the secrets she has delivered to a hidden resistance and forfeit her life. With her wedding day looming ever closer, salvation comes from an unlikely source.
Pirate Captain Cinder is a terror on the open sea, striking fear into hearts wherever she sails. Now she has a new target. The vulnerable Princess Georgina should be an easy mark in Cinder’s kidnapping plot. But the legend of Captain Cinder is more intertwined with Georgina’s own history than either of them expect.
Treacherous storms. A mysterious pirate king. The prince’s unrelenting pursuit. Georgina and Cinder can only escape by following the uncharted course of their hearts. But just as a future together is within their grasp, Cinder’s past threatens to drag them both to the deep.



Sculpting Her Heart by Annette Mori

Available on Amazon

On the surface, it appears as if Zari Woods has achieved everything she set out to accomplish, fame, money, a supportive best friend, and loving parents. But to a person on the neurodiverse spectrum, a loving woman is elusive.When Frankie moves into her neighborhood, Zari starts her final quest, a happily ever after. Frankie is beautiful, kind and seems to genuinely enjoy spending time with Zari despite her quirks. Unfortunately, Frankie already has a girlfriend. Sort of. It’s complicated.

Publisher: Affinity Rainbow Publications


Retrospect: The Hidden Life of Mac Scott by A.J. Forton

Available on Amazon

McKenna Scott is missing. She’s presumed dead. Perished. Out of her misery… Suddenly, she’s not. She’s alive! Existing. Viable, just about…
Two years after she vanished, Mac Scott stumbles into a London hospital. Scars encrust her body. She cannot tolerate the slightest physical touch despite her body aching for human connection. She has no memory of what happened to her. As Mac tries to ease herself into a life that now feels alien, she is consumed with grief and anger at losing the self-assured, fun-loving woman she once was. So she looks for help.
Enticing therapist, Alisha Cole, helps her retrieve shards of horrific memories and it soon becomes clear… Mac may be home, but she is far from free.
Using her scars and memory fragments like a road map, she investigates her disappearance and journeys through the perilous twists and turns of her own mystery. Unexpected love and an insatiable need to be freed from the evil which torments her, drives Mac to rediscover herself and find newfound fortitude.
Where has she been? Why was she captured? She’s about to find out. And then she will make them pay. Escape is just the beginning; Mac is going to raise hell.

Self Published

New Author

Retrospect: The Hidden Life of Mac Scott by A.J. Forton

Available on Amazon

McKenna Scott is missing. She’s presumed dead. Perished. Out of her misery… Suddenly, she’s not. She’s alive! Existing. Viable, just about…
Two years after she vanished, Mac Scott stumbles into a London hospital. Scars encrust her body. She cannot tolerate the slightest physical touch despite her body aching for human connection. She has no memory of what happened to her. As Mac tries to ease herself into a life that now feels alien, she is consumed with grief and anger at losing the self-assured, fun-loving woman she once was. So she looks for help.
Enticing therapist, Alisha Cole, helps her retrieve shards of horrific memories and it soon becomes clear… Mac may be home, but she is far from free.
Using her scars and memory fragments like a road map, she investigates her disappearance and journeys through the perilous twists and turns of her own mystery. Unexpected love and an insatiable need to be freed from the evil which torments her, drives Mac to rediscover herself and find newfound fortitude.
Where has she been? Why was she captured? She’s about to find out. And then she will make them pay. Escape is just the beginning; Mac is going to raise hell.

Self Published


Love Under Lockdown by Maggie McIntyre

Available on Amazon

Locked down under the Covid19 pandemic, Isabel Bridgford has never felt so frightened. Bryony, the love of her life, risks her life daily as a doctor in the I.C. Unit of an overwhelmed London hospital. How can Isabel keep her adored young wife safe, and also bring back joy into her troubled soul?

Meanwhile, Stephanie and Alana, Isabel’s closest friends, have their own crushing disappointments to surmount. Their wedding has been cancelled and their plans to move to the USA, crushed. But life moves on, and as lockdown continues they painfully discover that true love can conquer everything, if one decides never to give up.

Isabel’s oldest friend, Jane, and her new fiancée, Jenni, seem able to sustain their happiness in a bubble of romantic bliss. But Jenni faces a huge challenge to raise a vast amount of money at very short notice, otherwise her African girls’ project will face collapse. It is not only Jane’s enthusiastic love-making which keeps Jenni awake at night.

As the strangest of springs unfolds, these three sets of friends cope with the challenges Covid 19 brings, and learn new ways to share their love and friendship, sometimes with unlikely people.

This passionate contemporary lesbian romance from award winning author, Maggie McIntyre, will lift your spirits, tug at your heart-strings and remind you of the power of love, even when you live through the most difficult of times. It is fourth in the series, “Isabel and friends.”

Publisher: Ryeland Press

Science Fiction

Secrets of the Strand A Melanie Lockhart Journey by Randi Goldleif

Available on Amazon

Secrets can be lethal. In 2354, secrets can also keep you alive. For twenty-three-year-old Melanie Lockhart, knowing which secrets to keep means the difference between life and death. Living in a world ruled by The Book of the Enlightened Dove, where incures are extracted from society and never seen again, Melanie has learned to hide among the normal people – the perfect citizens of the Sovereignty. Hiding was easy until her parents were killed. Was it an accident? Before their deaths, they were working on a top-secret research project. A project that is now missing.A project believed to be in Melanie’s possession.A project that others will stop at nothing to get. Nothing. With a target on her back, can Melanie keep her secret safe and find the research?

Self Published

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