Meet Annette Mori, 2022 Lesfic Bard Award Winner for Paranormal with Georgetown Glen: Queermunity Living at It’s Finest

Where were you when you heard you had won the Lesfic Bard Award?

We were in New York, having a grand time with my sister and her husband. Periodically I ducked in and out of Social Media, but didn’t get a chance to post much. Fortunately others did and tagged me!

What was your reaction?

Obviously, I was thrilled. It’s always a good feeling to learn that other people have a positive reaction to what I write. I had such a fun time writing Georgetown Glen and had hoped others would enjoy the book.

Where were you born?

Galesburg, Illinois

Where did you grow up?


Do you have any siblings?

Two sisters and I am the quintessential middle child.

What were your parent’s professions?

My mother was a special education teacher and my father a child psychologist (yes, that did create an interesting childhood for us).

Why do you write?

I started because I was bored when I lived apart from my wife, but I continue to write because there are those loyal readers who periodically remind me my books have touched them for various reasons. I like the idea that when I’m long gone, I’ve left a little part of myself for the world to discover.

What do you think makes good writing?

I believe if an author can create characters, a story, or a world that captures my attention and makes me care about what happens or keeps me up at night to read one more chapter, that is good writing. I also believe good writing either deviates from the formula or has an interesting twist—something that I remember versus same old story and plot.

What is the first piece you ever wrote?

Love Forever, Live Forever is my debut novel. It’s a paranormal book that wasn’t a great seller. Who knew that at the time paranormal wasn’t a big seller!

When you are writing each novel. Are the experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Sometimes the scenes or experiences are frightening close and other times they are complete fiction. However, there are always scenes, events, or characters that are based on my life or people I know. None of my books are 100% fiction without taking something from my life.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

I try very hard not to go back and think about what to change after I send the final draft for publishing. I have severe enough OCD during the editing process where I go over the book a minimum of five times at each stage and there are four editing stages the book goes through. If I don’t put those limits on myself, I’d never complete a book because I would always be changing something.

What is the hardest part of writing a book?

The sex scenes.

What is the easiest part of writing a book?

Usually the first thousand words.

Do you think a book can have too much detail it?  Do you think it can detract from the story?

I tend to write in a style that I enjoy most and that means I’m not heavy on scene details because I can get bored easily with too much detail. This is probably why I’m not very good at the details and is an area I should put more focus into. I truly admire those authors who provide the level of detail that puts a person right inside the scene where they can almost hear, see, touch, smell or taste the detail created.

Do you have any writing rituals? And can you tell us about your writing discipline.

No rituals, but I find I write best in the mornings or the middle of the night.

What is your greatest fear as an author?

That people don’t tell me the truth and are just being kind when they provide positive feedback.

Who do you have fans compare you to (other authors)?

Not sure the readers compare me to anyone. I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

What are you working on now?

The second book in The Next Generation Series which is a spinoff from my San Diego series that is in the universe of The Organization.

How do you keep your different characters separate in your mind?

Typically the two main characters are very different from one another, so it is easy to keep them separate.

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Very part-time

Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?

I wrote The Organization with the late Erin O’Reilly who was my mentor and I’ve written several with Ali Spooner. I love writing with Ali. She keeps me motivated.

Where do your ideas come from?

Dreams, social media, news stories, life in general.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

I am a total pantster…I never know where I am going to take a story. I start with a vague idea and off I go.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A physician.

What genres do you normally write in?

I have tried just about every one. I even wrote one short story that would be considered erotica (way out of my comfort zone). Although many of my stories have humor in them, I’ve never written what I might consider a true romcom.

What genres do you typically read?

I read everything, but my least favorite is probably heavy erotica where there isn’t much story and mostly a collection of sex scenes. I enjoy graphic sex scenes, but if there is too much I tend to get bored and start skimming.

What was the craziest thing you’ve ever done when it came to a storyline in your book?

Toss between writing about a person who can brings dreams to life or writing myself into a book as the author of the book that the Book Witch uses to bring the characters to life. And then I created a question of what was real…were those characters truly a figment of the author’s imagination or an alternate reality?

Do you hear from your readers much?  What kinds of things do they say?

I do hear from my readers quite a bit and that’s what keeps me writing. Some have been very poignant messages.

Tell us about your new release.

Politics of Love is the second book in the San Diego series and would be considered a political thriller. There is a lot of action rolled inside a love story or visa versa…a love story embedded into an action packed plot.  I’ve brought back some of the favorite characters from my The Organization because who doesn’t love badass women?

What kind of hero/heroine is in your current book?

I don’t have just one heroine…I have several.

What are your favorite character traits that you cannot resist?

Shy, nerdy, intelligent women

What part of the female physique captures your attention?


As an author and essentially the “creator” of your character, do you find yourself attached to her/him in a personal way? 

Some I am more attached to than others. For whatever reason, the characters is my debut novel show up in several short stories and the characters in The Organization show up in several other books. I can’t seem to let them go, especially Val who is an especially complicated character.

Tell us what kind of heroes/heroines you prefer to write about.

I like to write about confident, strong women, both physically and emotionally. But I also like to write about humble, shy, nerdy, intelligent heroines who grow into their strength but don’t start out that way.

Does your hero/heroine, take after you? Or is she/he someone you wish you could be?

Don’t take after me at all, but I am not sure I would wish to be them either. I think they’re more the kind of woman to fall in love with.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite?

I have several that are special to me for different reasons. Locked Inside, Unconventional Lovers and Sculpting Her Heart are probably my favorites.

If you could do a DREAM job (other than writing) what would it be and why? Have you used it in any of your stories?

I used to think being a librarian would be my dream job…but not anymore with all the pressure on librarians with the ridiculous book banning currently going on. Yes, there was a librarian in Out of This World.

What kind of jobs have you have in the ‘real’ world?

Switchboard Operator, Pre-school Teacher, Telemarketer, Nurses Aide, Bartender, Cocktail Waitress, Breakfast Cook, Dishwasher, Office Manager, Resident Hall Director, Adjunct Professor and Human Resource Executive.

If you could rewrite a CLASSIC novel as a lesbian fiction novel, which would you choose and why?

East of Eden. I loved John Steinbeck growing up and I thought his novels had such depth.

If you could meet anyone famous, PAST or PRESENT who would it be, and why?

Michelle Obama. She’s an amazing woman who is not only kind and compassionate, but intelligent and funny. I think she would be an extremely interesting person to talk with.

Is there anything in your life you would delete?  Anything you would replay?

Only one thing…I would have flown to Florida sooner and spent more time with my mother before she died.

What were you like at school?

Very shy and awkward.

Were you good at English?

I was a good student in general.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Three months.

Do you ever get writer’s block?

All the time!  It was what inspired one of my novels. Inspiration Takes a Vacation was born out of a very dry spell where I joked about it.

Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

I read all the time and I can’t list my favorites because I have too many.

For your own reading, do you prefer eBooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

Definitely ebooks because I don’t have to lug around a ton of paperbacks.

Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

Both. I have editors, but I also go over my books to make sure nothing is missed or at least the obvious typos don’t remain.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?

Affinity’s editing process lends itself well to leaving the book while it is in the hands of each level of editing.

Did you do a press release, Goodreads book launch or anything else to promote your work and did it work?

I have a mailing list and send something out whenever I have a new release. I also blast all the different Facebook groups. I also have a weekly blog. Something brand new for Affinity is the Triple A (Affinity, Ali and Annette) Podcast: On the road to good storytelling. We will do this once a month and post on our new YouTube channel — @TripleAStorytelling

Did you get interviewed by local press/radio for your book launch?

I wish!

Pen name vs no pen name? What was your rationale?

I have a pen name because when I worked as an HR Executive I wanted to keep that life separate. Now that I am retired it really doesn’t matter.

Besides writing THE END, how do you KNOW a story is over and you should conclude it?

I don’t write The End and honestly no story is ever completely done…I could always write a short story or a spinoff, but most of the time I choose not to.

What do you think of the ‘explosion’ of available titles for the Lesbian Fiction Reader that have come onto the market vs say 5-10-20 years ago? Is this a good thing or bad?

Good….I love the variety.

Are you a quiet person or verbose in person?

Quiet, but I can play the extrovert when required.

Is there something in life you wish you had been braver about?

I wish I had started writing before my mother passed. She was an avid reader and I wish she would have had the opportunity to read something I had written.

Do you consider yourself successful at this thing called writing? What makes you think that?

By most people’s standards, probably not, but I’m satisfied with what I’ve been able to accomplish since I began writing. I’ve one more goal to meet before I die. I hope to reach the #1 spot for either Lesbian Romance or Lesbian Fiction. I’ve done it is the smaller categories, especially in new releases, but only reached #2 once.

If you had a time machine would you go forward or back in time and why?

I would go back in time to before my mother died and redo that time.

Toe ring or belly button ring if you HAD to have one?

Toe…ouch on the belly button. Nope not piercing anything but my ears.

Have you ever stolen anything?

A piece of candy from one of those open bins when I was three. Got a spanking for it and never stole again!

Is there one scene from your book that is the most memorable?

I’m guessing that most people would say the very first scene of Locked Inside.

What is the one thing that surprised you about becoming a published author?

How hard marketing a book is.

Read more about Annette Mori and order her book here.



2021 Lesfic Bard Award

Runner-Up List


Stone Memory by Aimée

available on Amazon

Clifton, present time. Kate O’Carroll has just moved to take up a new position at Bristol University. She’s found a lovely house that comes complete with its own library – a big bonus for an avid reader. Her new life seems to be starting auspiciously when she slips on the pavement and ends up at the local A&E. Adrienne Sargent, the surgeon on call, immediately feels a connection to her patient, but of course, there’s no reason they should meet again outside the hospital.
Clifton, 1900. Dorcas Fairstead, a parson’s daughter, is starting a teaching career at one of the pioneering colleges for women. Not much older than her students, she is finding her feet, making friends and writing a journal for the first time in her life. At a conference, she and her friends meet Elizabeth Sutcliff, a young doctor working at one of the first women’s hospitals in London.
There must be something in the air, for although none of these women is actively looking for love, life has other ideas. As past and present intersect, are they ready to follow their desires?

Action Adventure

Queen’s Ransom: A Fog City Novel by Layla Reyne

available on Amazon

Everyone leaves.

Love is risky business when you’re an assassin.
Helena Madigan has lost loved ones to the family business before. Now that she’s in charge, she’s determined never to risk her heart again.
Except every time Celia enters the room, she takes Helena’s breath away.

But the one time someone stays…

Celia Perri likes to be helpful.
She just wants to run the family auto shop, raise her kids, and help her brother plan his wedding.
But when a drive-by shooting targets the garage, Celia’s simple life is upended.
Now ensconced within the Madigan family, there’s no escaping Helena, the blonde bombshell she’s been crushing on for months.

It could cost her everything.

As the Madigans investigate, Celia witnesses their love and loyalty up close.
And their business.
Instead of being afraid, she sees a place for herself among them. She could be a confidant and caregiver—if only Helena would stop pushing her away. If only she’d admit their mutual attraction might lead to more.
And if only someone would stop shooting at them long enough to find out.

Queen’s Ransom is the fourth book in the Fog City romantic suspense series. It can be read as a stand-alone but is best enjoyed after reading books one through three of the series.

Self-Published at


Save the Date by various authors

Anne Roberts

Tagan Shepard
Jessie Chandler
Louise McBain
M.B. Guel
E. J. Noyes
Celeste Castro
Kay Acker
Dillon Watson
Cade Haddock Strong
Kate Gavin
Jaime Clevenger

available on Amazon

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence for her shoe.
A woman realizes she was meant to decline a wedding invitation, but only after she’s arrived. Can she borrow some of a stranger’s charm to make it through an awkward night?
A power outage during a rehearsal dinner. A vanishing bride. A distraught groom. How’s an innkeeper to keep up? Especially when the bride reappears with a strange request: help her escape her own wedding.
It’s awfully easy to bring “something old” to your wedding when one of the brides happens to be Death’s 700 year-old Head Minion.
As if a museum wasn’t enough of a draw for a history nerd, throw in holograms, a secret wedding, and a mysteriously well-informed woman and things really get interesting.
Weddings are so much more than parties. They’re a gathering of family and friends. The start of an adventure. And most importantly, they’re a celebration of love. From Bella Books comes a collection of short stories sure to put you in the mood to say “I do.”

Publisher: Bella Books


Girl Island by Kate Castle

Available on Amazon


Six teenage girls. One deserted island. Removed from civilised society, can they challenge class, identity and toxic femininity to pull together and survive? Or will they descend into savagery?

This thrilling must-read adventure novel is perfect for fans of The Hunger Games and Divergent.

Seventeen-year-old farm girl Ellery is used to being alone; used to taking care of herself. After she wins an athletics scholarship to a prestigious new school, she finds herself facing her own personal nightmare – stuck on a plane with a bunch of mean girls, the school dork and her ex-best friend. But when the plane crashes and they find themselves alone on a deserted island, the real challenge begins.

As they fight for survival, long-buried secrets are uncovered and – one by one – each girl’s true character emerges. Can friendships, like fires, be relit? And can Ellery survive on Girl Island?

Publisher: Dark Horse Publishing


Uncharted by Alli Temple

Available on Amazon

In a world of arrogant nobles and their punishing laws, Georgina will be hanged if anyone discovers she is a spy. But when the wicked prince proposes marriage, Georgina must accept. Refusing would expose the secrets she has delivered to a hidden resistance and forfeit her life. With her wedding day looming ever closer, salvation comes from an unlikely source.
Pirate Captain Cinder is a terror on the open sea, striking fear into hearts wherever she sails. Now she has a new target. The vulnerable Princess Georgina should be an easy mark in Cinder’s kidnapping plot. But the legend of Captain Cinder is more intertwined with Georgina’s own history than either of them expect.
Treacherous storms. A mysterious pirate king. The prince’s unrelenting pursuit. Georgina and Cinder can only escape by following the uncharted course of their hearts. But just as a future together is within their grasp, Cinder’s past threatens to drag them both to the deep.



Sculpting Her Heart by Annette Mori

Available on Amazon

On the surface, it appears as if Zari Woods has achieved everything she set out to accomplish, fame, money, a supportive best friend, and loving parents. But to a person on the neurodiverse spectrum, a loving woman is elusive.When Frankie moves into her neighborhood, Zari starts her final quest, a happily ever after. Frankie is beautiful, kind and seems to genuinely enjoy spending time with Zari despite her quirks. Unfortunately, Frankie already has a girlfriend. Sort of. It’s complicated.

Publisher: Affinity Rainbow Publications


Retrospect: The Hidden Life of Mac Scott by A.J. Forton

Available on Amazon

McKenna Scott is missing. She’s presumed dead. Perished. Out of her misery… Suddenly, she’s not. She’s alive! Existing. Viable, just about…
Two years after she vanished, Mac Scott stumbles into a London hospital. Scars encrust her body. She cannot tolerate the slightest physical touch despite her body aching for human connection. She has no memory of what happened to her. As Mac tries to ease herself into a life that now feels alien, she is consumed with grief and anger at losing the self-assured, fun-loving woman she once was. So she looks for help.
Enticing therapist, Alisha Cole, helps her retrieve shards of horrific memories and it soon becomes clear… Mac may be home, but she is far from free.
Using her scars and memory fragments like a road map, she investigates her disappearance and journeys through the perilous twists and turns of her own mystery. Unexpected love and an insatiable need to be freed from the evil which torments her, drives Mac to rediscover herself and find newfound fortitude.
Where has she been? Why was she captured? She’s about to find out. And then she will make them pay. Escape is just the beginning; Mac is going to raise hell.

Self Published

New Author

Retrospect: The Hidden Life of Mac Scott by A.J. Forton

Available on Amazon

McKenna Scott is missing. She’s presumed dead. Perished. Out of her misery… Suddenly, she’s not. She’s alive! Existing. Viable, just about…
Two years after she vanished, Mac Scott stumbles into a London hospital. Scars encrust her body. She cannot tolerate the slightest physical touch despite her body aching for human connection. She has no memory of what happened to her. As Mac tries to ease herself into a life that now feels alien, she is consumed with grief and anger at losing the self-assured, fun-loving woman she once was. So she looks for help.
Enticing therapist, Alisha Cole, helps her retrieve shards of horrific memories and it soon becomes clear… Mac may be home, but she is far from free.
Using her scars and memory fragments like a road map, she investigates her disappearance and journeys through the perilous twists and turns of her own mystery. Unexpected love and an insatiable need to be freed from the evil which torments her, drives Mac to rediscover herself and find newfound fortitude.
Where has she been? Why was she captured? She’s about to find out. And then she will make them pay. Escape is just the beginning; Mac is going to raise hell.

Self Published


Love Under Lockdown by Maggie McIntyre

Available on Amazon

Locked down under the Covid19 pandemic, Isabel Bridgford has never felt so frightened. Bryony, the love of her life, risks her life daily as a doctor in the I.C. Unit of an overwhelmed London hospital. How can Isabel keep her adored young wife safe, and also bring back joy into her troubled soul?

Meanwhile, Stephanie and Alana, Isabel’s closest friends, have their own crushing disappointments to surmount. Their wedding has been cancelled and their plans to move to the USA, crushed. But life moves on, and as lockdown continues they painfully discover that true love can conquer everything, if one decides never to give up.

Isabel’s oldest friend, Jane, and her new fiancée, Jenni, seem able to sustain their happiness in a bubble of romantic bliss. But Jenni faces a huge challenge to raise a vast amount of money at very short notice, otherwise her African girls’ project will face collapse. It is not only Jane’s enthusiastic love-making which keeps Jenni awake at night.

As the strangest of springs unfolds, these three sets of friends cope with the challenges Covid 19 brings, and learn new ways to share their love and friendship, sometimes with unlikely people.

This passionate contemporary lesbian romance from award winning author, Maggie McIntyre, will lift your spirits, tug at your heart-strings and remind you of the power of love, even when you live through the most difficult of times. It is fourth in the series, “Isabel and friends.”

Publisher: Ryeland Press

Science Fiction

Secrets of the Strand A Melanie Lockhart Journey by Randi Goldleif

Available on Amazon

Secrets can be lethal. In 2354, secrets can also keep you alive. For twenty-three-year-old Melanie Lockhart, knowing which secrets to keep means the difference between life and death. Living in a world ruled by The Book of the Enlightened Dove, where incures are extracted from society and never seen again, Melanie has learned to hide among the normal people – the perfect citizens of the Sovereignty. Hiding was easy until her parents were killed. Was it an accident? Before their deaths, they were working on a top-secret research project. A project that is now missing.A project believed to be in Melanie’s possession.A project that others will stop at nothing to get. Nothing. With a target on her back, can Melanie keep her secret safe and find the research?

Self Published

Lesfic Bard Awards is a participant in the Amazon Associates program.  Every click on the buy links above contributes a small % of the sale of the books to help us support our awards, advertising, and the promotion of the authors who are runners-up and winners.

Meet Annette Mori

Annette is the winner of the 2019 Lesfic Bard Award for her novel A Window to Love as well as a finalist for her novel Compound Interest.

Annette MoriAnnette Mori A Window to LoveAnnette Mori FinalistAnnette Mori Compound Interest

Where were you born? Galesburg, Illinois

Where did you grow up? Illinois

Do you have any siblings? Two sisters. One older, one younger.

What were your parent’s professions? Father was a school psychologist and my mother was a special education teacher.

Why do you write? It satisfies my need for a creative outlet and a way to write about topics I have a great passion for.  I like to sneak in subtext on contemporary social issues.

What do you think makes good writing? A great story with likeable characters the reader can root for. Plot eats technical skill for breakfast.

How do you choose the names for your characters? Co-workers, friends, family and sometimes a search in my baby names book.  On occasion, I have searched the internet for names that have certain meanings that fit a character.

What is the first piece you ever wrote? My debut novel…Love Forever, Live Forever.

When you are writing each novel. Are the experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Almost always yes, or at least some of the experiences.  Of course, they are major parts in most of my novels that are completely fiction and the product of my overactive imagination and quirky style.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? I don’t think so.  I tend to obsess so much during the process that I am so done when it goes off to the Publisher for them to do their thing and send it out to the universe.  That is not to say that if a reader notices an error, I won’t plead with my publisher yo fix it.  I hate errors (part of my well developed OCD).

What is the hardest part of writing a book? The mushy middle.  Normally I have an easy time with the beginning and the end…it is the arc and what happens right before and after that I find difficult.

What is the easiest part of writing a book? The beginning because I am on fire with my latest idea and the words flow best when I have a new idea that I have passion for.

Do you think a book can have too much detail it?  Do you think it can detract from the story? Probably, yes.  I tend to be a heavy dialogue writer and struggle with long descriptions, so maybe that is reflective of the kind of books I enjoy.  Too much of a descriptor tends to slow the story down for me, even if the writer is very talented at detailed descriptions. I enjoy a fast-paced plot.

Do you have any writing rituals? And can you tell us about your writing discipline? I have zero discipline when I am not inspired; which is why I either write quickly or don’t write at all. When I am on a roll I can easily write at least a thousand words a day which is kind of my metric for discipline. As for rituals, that has never been my thing.

What is your greatest fear as an author? That I will inadvertently offend someone.

Who do you have fans compare you to (other authors)? Not sure I am really compared to anyone.  If I was, I don’t recall.  I’m fairly unconventional and quirky…which has been something noted versus a comparison to any famous author.

What are you working on now? I started a story about a woman on the spectrum looking for a girlfriend before my wife and I took our big RV trip.  I will return to that story when we get back home in mid-June.  Since I have another book coming out this year called One Shot At Love, I anticipate getting the edits from the editors to work on very soon.

How do you keep your different characters separate in your mind? They are usually pretty distinct, but I do have serious troubles with the finer details and timelines.  I am constantly going back to re-read sections to get things correct and often have to makes changes to avoid plot holes or other problems.

Do you write full-time or part-time? Very part-time, even though I am now retired from the job that paid the bills.  It seems having more time has not at all meant more writing. In fact, the opposite has occurred.  Of course that may be due to finally getting to spend quality time with my wife.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured? I used to write after work, now I write in the mornings.

Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when? I only write when inspired and then I usually will write 7 days a week while on a roll.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day? 1,000 has been my metric for what I consider a productive day.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand? Computer or iPad.

Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers? One with Erin O’Reilly and two with Ali Spooner.  I loved both experiences.

Where do your ideas come from? Dreams, news articles, Facebook posts, challenges, joking around on Facebook…so many places!

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you? I am a total pantser and never do an outline. Wherever the story takes me…

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor.

What genres do you normally write in? Almost all of them. I haven’t done much with sports, except my new novel has a Olympic skeet shooter as a main character. I have not done any western themed books.  That would definitely be outside my wheelhouse.

What genres do you typically read? I read them all!

Is there a genre you haven’t written in that one day you’d like to tackle? Maybe a full-length erotica.  I have only done a short based on a challenge.  I’d love to do humor, even though many have commented on humor in most of my books. It isn’t the same as some of my idols who have books that are so funny that’s what they are famous for.

Are there any authors who have influenced your work? Not necessarily influenced my work, but I sure would love to be compared to a few.

What was the first book you ever published?Love Forever, Live Forever

When did you first sign with (your current publisher)? 2014

How did you celebrate your signing? Called my wife and probably had a glass of wine.

What was the craziest thing you’ve ever done when it came to a storyline in your book? Had a character that brought her dreams to life.

Do you have any specific things (or rituals) that help you to write or that inspire you? Not really.  I am mostly inspired by certain social issues.

Is there a certain time of day you prefer to write? Mornings before the day gets going.

What is your writing day like? I usually write for about 2 to 3 hours and then I leave it alone unless something pops in my head and then I might get up in the middle of the night to write or jot down notes if I can’t write at that moment.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I was living separate from my wife and got bored. I was reading lesfic and thought how hard can it be to write lesfic.  For the record…bloody hard!

Do you hear from your readers much?  What kinds of things do they say? I am so fortunate to hear from readers who have thanked me for writing about topics that many will not touch.  A number of readers have been very kind in their comments to me and their e-mails.  Often this has made my day and come at a time when I thought about stopping.

Tell us about your new release. The most recent release is the book I wrote with Ali Spooner as part of the Trophy Wives series.  Ali is a brilliant writer who I am fortunate to have the honor of writing with.

What kind of heroine is in your current book? Chancy is a young bartender who has had a rough life.  Kicked out early and living on the streets until the bar owners gave her a job and place to live.  Prior to that, she was turning tricks on the streets.

Is there someone famous she resembled when you wrote her? Or is she based off someone you personally know? No-one famous and not anyone I know…she is completely a figment of my imagination.

What are your favorite character traits that you cannot resist? Sassy, funny, sarcastic, but with a heart of gold. I always want at least one of my characters to be kind and compassionate.

What part of the female physique captures your attention? Their smile. Lips and nice teeth.

As an author and essentially the “creator” of your character, do you find yourself attached to her in a personal way? I am committed to her having her happily ever after and attached to ensuring that happens.

If you could actually meet the character of one of your books, the exact woman you’ve conjured up in both looks and personality, which one would it be and why? Mabel Butt in Out of This World because I wrote her as a beauty, but she doesn’t know she is.

Tell us what kind of heroes/heroines you prefer to write about. Humble and kind.

Does your heroine, take after you? Or is she someone you wish you could be?Probably someone I inspire to be.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite? Yes, Unconventional Lovers.

What is your biggest distraction when you write? Social media.

What are your major sources for research?  Do you use books or google?  Even movies? Books, google.

Which grammar rule is your favorite to break? Which one do you never break? I enjoy slang and get cautioned by my editor on that. I’ve been told I have a colloquial writing style which makes me easy to read, but I won’t ever be considered a classic writer! I’m fairly good with correct use of apostrophes, but I’m not sure I’ve never broken a rule…never is such a definitive word!

If you could do a DREAM job (other than writing) what would it be and why? Have you used it in any of your stories? Librarian because I would be surrounded by books!  Yes, Mabel was a librarian.

What kind of jobs have you have in the ‘real’ world? Dishwasher, nurse’s aide, telemarketer, dietary aide, administrative assistant, cocktail waitress, switchboard operator, recruiter, coordinator for higher education programming, college professor, college residential director, human resources executive.

If you could rewrite a CLASSIC novel as a lesfic novel, which would you choose and why? Hunchback of Notre Dame.  I am attracted to underdogs who are not seen for their value as human beings.

Some quickies (pardon the pun—pick twelve):

Satin or Lace?  Satin

Hot or Cold? Hot

Camera or Canvas? Camera

Denim or Leather? Denim

Talking or Texting? Texting

Irish or Italian? Italian

Thunder or Lightning? Lightning

The sound of a heartbeat or a crackling fire? Heartbeat

Holding hands or Holding her attention? Holding hands

Crayons or Paint? Paint

Mountains or Beach?  Beach

Rain or Sunshine? Sunshine

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members that ‘surprised’ you? My most recent boss.

If you could meet anyone famous, PAST or PRESENT who would it be, and why? Michelle Obama…duh..she rocks.  Intelligent, funny, compassionate…

Is there anything in your life you would delete?  Anything you would replay? No, I don’t think I would.  Everything in life teaches us lessons worthy of learning from and allowing growth.

What were you like at school? Very timid and shy.

Were you good at English? Yes

Do you speak any foreign languages? Which ones? What, if any, would you like to learn? Nope.  Took four years of latin.  Spanish seems the most helpful.

What are your ambitions for your writing career? Not sure I have any ambitions.  I think I would like to make it to the number one spot on the Amazon charts someday, but not holding my breath!

If you could have anyone play the main character of one of your books, any actress, who would you choose and why? Ellen Page. She’s a lesbian and I have loved her since I saw her in Juno.

How long on average does it take you to write a book? At least 3 months including edits.

Do you ever get writer’s block? All the frickin time.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block? Nope…wish I had any answers on that.  I just wait it out until I am inspired to write again and try to be kind to myself in the meantime (doesn’t work).

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively? My stories have gotten more outlandish at times.

Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors? I read all the time and I have too many favorites to list!

For your own reading, do you prefer eBooks or traditional paper/hard back books? Ebooks because I can work out and read at the same time.

Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you? I proof the many times and also have three different editors: beta, content, final proof.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit? I edit right away and return the edits and changes to my editor usually within a day or two of receiving their notes and edits.

Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about. The cover artist asks for ideas and for me to pick out pictures I like and then mocks up several versions to choose from.  On rare occasions, I haven’t liked the first mock ups and she’s been great about going back to the drawing board until I like one.

Who designed your book covers? Nancy Kaufman of Irish Eyes designs.  One was designed by Ann McMann who worked with Stone Soup for Compound Interest, a charity book with Stone Soup Community Press.

Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process? I’ve heard it does.

How do you market your books? Mostly with social media…probably too much during the first month.

Why did you choose this route? It’s what seems to be easiest and most fruitful.

Would you or do you use a PR agency? Probably not because I am not popular enough to afford that.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books? Not really since this is an I credibly weak area of mine.

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book? Not sure I can answer that because I don’t set aside specific marketing time.

What do you do to get book reviews? I’ve tried launch teams, giveaways, and sending to review sites.

How successful has your quest for reviews been so far? Meh….

Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers? Nope and lately I’ve been terribly lazy about sending to the more well-known review sites. Whenever I am asked for a copy, I happily send it!

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews? Personally I won’t leave a bad review, but I respect those who believe strongly in leaving both good and bad reviews.  I like to leave positive reviews to support fellow authors.

Any amusing story about marketing books that happened to you? I don’t like marketing so if there is one, I probably blocked it out!

What’s your views on social media for marketing? It’s where I get most of my suggestions for books to read, so I hope it still works for me.  I am never bothered by authors posting their new releases or older releases as reminders, even if those reminders are daily and on several different sites.

Which social network worked best for you? Facebook

Any tips on what to do and what not to do? Not really because I am sure that no matter what a person does there are competing opinions on this.

Did you do a press release, Goodreads book launch or anything else to promote your work and did it work? I have not tried this.

Did you get interviewed by local press/radio for your book launch? Not local press.  I have done radio interviews.

Is there any marketing technique you used that had an immediate impact on your sales figures? I don’t know because I don’t have access to real time sales data.

Did you make any marketing mistakes or is there anything you would avoid in future? Probably, but again there are competing opinions to everything, so I try not to beat myself up too much on this. I do that enough with my writing!

Why do you think that other well written books just don’t sell? Now that is the million-dollar question.  I wish I knew.

What do you think of “trailers” for books? Not sure they are successful or not, but they sure are fun to view and I am grateful to Danna for doing several for me and to Julie who does them for Affinity.

Do you think that giving books away free works and why? I hope so.

Did you format your own book? No, Affinity does all that for me.

In what formats is your book available? Both print and e-book.  I only have one audio book (Artist Free Zone).

How do you relax? Read

What is your favorite positive saying? I don’t have a favorite…when I see one I like, I comment, but usually can’t remember them.

What is your favorite book and why? Too many to list.

What is your favorite quote? From Viktor  Frankl…”the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Where can you see yourself in 5 years time? Traveling the world!

What is your favorite movie and why? I don’t have one favorite…too many to list, like books!

What advice would you give to your younger self? It gets better, really.

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why? Answered earlier

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why? The Hunger Games because Katniss is a badass and the kind of character I would have loved to write.

‘Borrowed’ permanently from James Lipton on The Actor’s Studio:

What is your favorite word? Fuck
What is your least favorite word? Cunt
What turns you on? A build up of intimacy.
What turns you off? Instalove
What sound or noise do you love? Moan
What sound or noise do you hate? Grunt
What is your favorite curse word? Fuck
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Singer
What profession would you not like to do? Gardener
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Your mom has been waiting to see you.

Did you have a good childhood? Were you a wild child? Are you the ‘odd’ one out in your family? Yes. No I was a very good kid. Yes I am the odd one out.

If you had to use THREE words to DESCRIBE yourself and you were looking from the outside, how would you describe yourself? Compassionate, generous, dorky.

What are your thoughts on Porn (visual) vs Erotica (written) and do you think authors can creatively bring some aspects of both into their writing, making it sensual and beautiful instead of raw and vulgar? I think it is all semantics and different for everyone. One person’s porn is another’s erotica.  If you look at the definitions, they are essentially the same…

If you could have one and only one super-power, what would it be and why? The ability to heal someone. I don’t like seeing people I pain.

Have you ever Googled yourself? If you did, what did you find out about yourself? Nope

Pen name vs no pen name? What was your rationale? Pen name because I was in a profession that would have been difficult to explain to colleagues.

Besides writing THE END, how do you KNOW a story is over and you should conclude it? I usually know exactly how to end a book without writing The End. I try to tie everything together in the last page.

What do you think of the ‘explosion’ of available titles for the Lesfic Reader that have come onto the market vs say 5-10-20 years ago? Is this a good thing or bad? Good thing because I love to read.

Are you a quiet person or verbose in person? Quiet and I force myself to be extroverted at events.

Is there something in life you wish you had been braver about? I wish I had started writing before age 54.

If you were stuck on an island with only three books, which three would you like them to be? Yellow Raft in Blue Water, The Help, Grapes of Wrath

If you were stuck in an elevator with three people, who would you like them to be? Oh hell no…I would scratch my way out.

20 years from now your books are assigned to a women’s studies class. What would you want them to say about your body of work? She was not afraid to tackle uncomfortable topics.

Do you consider yourself successful at this thing called writing? What makes you think that? Not particularly. I haven’t sold anywhere near enough to make a full time living at writing. I am very okay with that, though.

Were there any teachers that stood out through school?  Anyone that made it bearable and that you remember fondly? An English teacher who taught an advanced class called, The Psychological Study of Man Through Literature.  It was a fascinating class.

Do you enjoy debates?  Any particular subjects? Yes, politics.  It was a regular topic at our dinner table while growing up.

If you had a time machine would you go forward or back in time and why? Forward…I’d love to see that we hopefully evolved to a kinder, gentler people.

Do you believe in astrological signs and what they mean? Do you think you follow your own and are stereotypical of what it says about your birth day/year? I don’t believe in that and I don’t think I am a stereotypical Leo.

Toe ring or belly button ring if you HAD to have one? Toe…I ain’t showing my belly at my age.

If you were the love child of two great authors who would they be and why? I can’t even imagine this one….

What is the scariest thing you have ever attempted in your life?  Karaoke

Have you ever stolen anything? Piece of candy when I was three and got a spanking for it!  Never stole again.

If you could make out with one character from a movie, who would it be and why? Katniss…hot archer…

Is there one scene from your book that is the most memorable?  Better ask my readers that one…I am notoriously wrong about anything to do with my books!

What is the one thing that surprised you about becoming a published author? That anyone would want me to sign a book for them.

Where were you when you found out you had won the Lesfic Bard Award and what was your reaction? I was in our Moses Lake condo scrolling through social media and clearing out my e-mail in the morning and saw the first notice on Compound Interest.  I didn’t see the other until later!  I woke my wife up to tell her!






2019 Winners

WINNER Gold BackgroundAction Adventure

Karen Badger Action Adventure

Over the Crescent Moon by Karen D. Badger

Karen Badger Over the Crescent Moon

Makaya Kapule and Spencer Bennet are from vastly different backgrounds…Makaya from Hawaii and Spencer from Vermont. They met and fell in love as members of the National Fencing Team. On hiatus from their grueling training schedule, Makaya and Spencer fly to Hawaii to attend her sister’s traditional Hawai’ian wedding, at which, Spencer meets Makaya’s family for the first time. While there, Makaya’s brother takes them water skiing, and an over-confident Spencer finds herself in danger when she fails to anticipate the raging fury of ocean whitecaps. She wakes up some time later to find herself alone on a deserted beach and with her world about to be turned upside down.


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Young Adult

Iza Moreau

Tank Baby by Iza Moreau

Tank Baby by Iza Moreau

For the first 7 years of her life, Elodie Fontaine was part of an ultra-secret psychology experiment in China. Now, at 17, she is trying to put that behind her and simply be a normal Florida teenager. She plays on her high school tennis team, is a nerd-in-good-standing in the Math and Science Club, and has come to terms with the fact that she is interested in girls rather than boys.






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K Aten

Burn it Down by K. Aten

K Aten Burn it Down

Ash Hayes was failed by the system at the tender age of sixteen and suffered an addiction. As a result she lives her life weighed down by the guilt of her past. To atone for childhood misdeeds, Ash trained as a paramedic after high school and eventually became a firefighter with the Detroit fire department, along with her childhood best friend Derek. Friend, confidant, brother, he has been her light in an otherwise dark life. When tragedy strikes on the job, injury and forced leave from the department are the least of her concerns. Suffering from even more guilt and depression after the loss of her two closest friends Ash is set adrift in a sea of pain.

When Mia Thomas buys the house next door, Ash finds friendship in the most unlikely of places. It’s Mia’s nature to help and to heal. Many would say she has a knack for finding the broken ones and leading them into the light. But Ash’s secret still lives deep inside her. Before the firefighter can even think of a future, she has to amend her past. Like the phoenix of legend, Ash has to burn her fears to the ground before she can be reborn.

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Madeleine Taylor

The Good Girl by Madeleine Taylor

Madeleine Taylor The Good Girl

I’m a good girl. I work hard, look like your average girl, do everything in moderation, and I certainly don’t make a habit of going into strangers’ hotel rooms dressed in sexy lingerie and killer heels. That is, until I meet her.

When a mysterious woman buys me a drink at a hotel bar in New York, I never expect her to impact my life the way she does. From the moment she lays eyes on me there’s little point fighting my desires because she seems to know them better than I do…

The Good Girl is the naughty debut novella by Madeleine Taylor, author of lesbian erotica.


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Alison Naomi Holt

Duchess Rampant by Alison Naomi Holt

Alison Naomi Holt Duchess Rampant

Blending the lyrical and mystical with pulse-pounding action

Epic fantasy featuring strong women characters

Aurelia “Bree” Makena, the Duchess of Danforth, waits on a beach near Port Emnal in front of her three thousand troops. As the waves lap against the hooves of her battle mare, Lioth, Bree watches the enemy ships deploying more warriors against her than she’d ever thought possible.

Victory may prove an insurmountable task.

But wrestling victory from defeat is only the beginning. The real attack is one that if successful will defeat her Anacafrian king more surely than an arrow driven through his heart.

You are invited to enter Ar’rothi, a world as vividly realized as Narnia or Middle Earth, a world where animal spirits guide humans towards enlightenment, and in which an orphaned girl and a warrior duchess must join forces against an evil that threatens everything they have learned to love.

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Jane Alden

Jobyna’s Blues by Jane Alden

Jane Alden Jobyna's Blues

Jobyna’s Blues is a multi-generational love story, set in post-WWI American South and flashing forward to the mid-1960’s in New York City and London.

In 1924, Jobyna, the Empress of the Blues, and Lily, a dancer in her chorus line, fall in love as they travel in a custom train car and play to adoring crowds in theaters from Nashville to New Orleans to Mobile. Life is both exciting and dangerous in the young country, only sixty years past the Civil War.

Looking forward to the mid-1960’s, Jobie Greene, a folk singer in Greenwich Village, meets the charismatic English pop star, Deedee. They struggle to manage their long-distance relationship and their careers against a backdrop of social change.

The connections between the love stories and the women’s challenges and triumphs, as they echo through time, keep us surprised and challenged and rooting for their happy endings.

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Karen Badger Historical

Over the Crescent Moon by Karen D. Badger

Karen Badger Over the Crescent Moon

Makaya Kapule and Spencer Bennet are from vastly different backgrounds…Makaya from Hawaii and Spencer from Vermont. They met and fell in love as members of the National Fencing Team. On hiatus from their grueling training schedule, Makaya and Spencer fly to Hawaii to attend her sister’s traditional Hawai’ian wedding, at which, Spencer meets Makaya’s family for the first time. While there, Makaya’s brother takes them water skiing, and an over-confident Spencer finds herself in danger when she fails to anticipate the raging fury of ocean whitecaps. She wakes up some time later to find herself alone on a deserted beach and with her world about to be turned upside down.


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Anne Hagan

Steel City Confidential by Anne Hagan

Anne Hagan Steel City Confidential

Clients hide things from their lawyers all the time. Pam Wilson makes it an art form.

Pam’s been on the run from the law for years and she was getting away with it. The statute of limitations ran out on most of her crimes. For her spouse Charlotte? Not so much. Though they were aging, they looked forward to enjoying their golden years and, hopefully, forgetting about the past.

Life got complicated when Charlotte became gravely ill, their daughter got pregnant with the child of a married man…a married man someone took shots at from a rare motorcycle Pam happens to own. When the man was shot again and killed in his office at Pitt a couple of weeks later, the police found all signs pointing to Pam.

Rochelle ‘Ro’ Rabinowitz, a second-generation Pittsburgh lawyer, and her little firm take on Pam’s case pro-bono. Ro thinks it’s a slam dunk for the defense and hands the case off to her new associate and – she hopes – her future partner in the firm, Dominique, to get her feet wet in a courtroom. Clients are never completely honest with their lawyers and Ro and Dominque soon learn this one is no exception.

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New Author

McGee Mathews

Moving Violations by McGee Matthews

McGee Matthews Moving Violations

When interim police chief Molly Gorman pulls Amy over, more than the antics on the motorcycle catch her eye. She discovers Amy Gilbert spends her days repairing cars in her family garage and is intrigued. The only holdup? Amy occupies her nights playing softball and drinking with her wild best friend, who offers incredibly bad advice about love. After several run-ins with a certain drunken mechanic, Molly wonders if Amy is really worth the trouble. When Amy disappears, she has to put her mixed emotions aside to work the case.



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Annette Mori

A Window to Love by Annette Mori

Annette Mori A Window to Love

Two life events, two paths colliding, two souls destined to meet.Mandie Carter lives an uninspired life. No passion, no romance, and just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, life throws her a curve ball. Desperate to shake things up, she stumbles on an ad for skydiving in the newspaper. Could diving out of a plane be what it takes to jumpstart her life?Gail Forrester is barely hanging on. Buried under mountains of debt, only her much in demand architectural designs keep her afloat. Working around the clock to satisfy her hungry clients, she can’t seem to catch up. That is, until she is brought to a painful halt by a bus. Now, they must find a way forward together through what life and destiny has in store for them. Only then can they hope to step into that window to love.

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Science Fiction

Rachel Ford

Black Flag: Safe Passage by Rachel Ford

Rachel Ford Safe Passage

Kay Ellis designed the perfect bank for an intergalactic crime syndicate, the Conglomerate. Now the Conglomerate has a bounty on her head. Privateer Captain Maggie Landon is planning a hit on the Conglomerate’s high security bank. But the system is unbeatable – to everyone but its designer.

In order to escape a Conglomerate hitman, Kay needs someone with a ship, and willing to go toe-to-toe with the Conglomerate. To get her gold, Maggie needs Kay, and her knowledge of the bank.

Kay agrees to assist for a share of the loot, and passage to Union territory. Along the way, she and Maggie find their attraction to one another complicates their straightforward business relationship.

They successfully pull off the heist. But when a crewmember betrays them for a larger share of the loot, they almost lose everything – and discover that the real treasure was what they had all the time in each other, and in their crew.

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Elle Hyden

Lost & Found: A Mystic Meteor Tale by Elle Hyden

Elle Hyden Lost & Found A Magicaly Mystery tour

Two lost souls are on a collision course. One searching for a life partner while the other mourns the loss of hers.

Selina is at a crossroads. No job, no home to call her own, and no partner. She has to turn her life around, but in which direction? Returning to her Native American roots, she seeks mystical aid from the spirit world, to find the life she hungers for.

Rea has been able to find a measure of solace after her wife’s death but longs for the crack in her heart to heal. Sighting a falling star, she sends her wish out into the universe, where it’s heard by the most unlikely allies.

Selina and Rea’s paths crossed many times in the past, but they’d never connected. Now they are being inescapably drawn together by fate, desire, and a touch of the mystical. Will love and trust prevail over loss and fear, so they can have their shot at being found forever?

Join them on their souls’ journey through the Lost & Found.

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Group Shot

Lesfic Bard Awards is a participant in the Amazon Associates program.  Every click on the buy links above contributes a small % of the sale of the books to help us support our awards, advertising, and the promotion of the authors who are finalists and winners.

2019 Finalists

Silver Finalist 3.43x1.93

Action Adventure

Annette Mori Compound Interest

Compound Interest by Annette Mori

The kick-ass women in The Organization are back and they have their sights set on a few new recruits. Not everyone is jumping for joy at the choices, considering subterfuge is front and center in the games the new recruits have been playing. Dani is supposed to get her happily ever after, but she’s not sure what’s real anymore including Candy’s feelings for her. When a new enemy takes Candy captive, Dani vows to uncover the truth by insisting on going on the mission to save her. Candy is not what she seems, and that presents a new set of complications for Dani and her feelings. The Organization continues to have challenges when those damn book magicians and book witches keep popping back in to warn them of new catastrophes on the horizon. She doesn’t have time for their warnings until their enemies intersect once again to keep them working together.

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Young Adult

Karen Badger In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye by Karen D. Badger

Tara Charland is an ordinary fifteen-year-old kid. She likes music, playing on her phone, going to the mall, dancing with her peeps, and movie nights with her moms and siblings. She especially likes spending time with her new girlfriend, Kelly. Ah…the idyllic life of a teenager! Then, one day, on a chilly Thursday morning, in the midst of leaf-peeping season in her Southern New York town, it all came crashing down. Tara never did pay much attention during those darned lock-down drills. In a million years, she never thought it would actually happen. You see…that’s the problem…she never thought. Tara and Kelly, her brother, Seth, and their best friends, Steve and Karissa are caught in the crosshairs. In the blink of an eye, their lives, and the lives of everyone they loved, changed forever.

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Elena Graf High October

High October by Elena Graf

Liz Stolz and Maggie Fitzgerald were college roommates until Maggie confessed to her parents that she’d fallen in love with a woman. Maggie gave up her dream of becoming an actress and married her high school boyfriend. Liz became a famous breast surgeon. Maggie is performing in a summer stock production near the Maine town where Liz is now a general practitioner. When Maggie breaks her leg in a stage accident, she lands in Dr. Stolz’s office. Is forty years too long to wait for the one you love?

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Lydia Vaughn The Victorian

The Victorian by Lydia L Vaughn

Alicia Brenner isn’t adulting very well.

After her parents kick her out for being gay, she moves to a new city and tries to start over. But when she loses her job and goes to the bar to drown her sorrows, she makes out with a couple she’s never met, and wakes up to a strange bed and an even stranger offer – stay at the house and become an artist.

Pearl, who is all business (both at work and play), and Danna, who beguiles Alicia from the start, are a phenomenal couple and impossible to resist. Together, they run The Victorian, a unique artist colony and auction house, where the artists are eclectic and the patrons are loyal and have deep pockets.

After passing her “interview” with flying colors, she begins her journey into art and self-discovery. Before long, The Victorian and the artists she’s come to know mean everything to Alicia. When the house, too, is threatened, what will she do to survive?

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Tiffany Clavecilla The Dragon Commons

The Dragon Commons by Tiffany Clavecil

The year is 2048.

The Tiered Nations are a consumer society reduced to their stomachs. Here, a denizen’s prestige is measured by their greed and consequently, their expanding waistline. Hadryn and his best friend Thaddius belong to the military branch, and they arrive at the morgue to investigate an unusual death: a limb-hewn corpse which appears to have been mauled when animals are no longer of this world. Meat products, as with all foods, are grown in laboratories and manufactured as “cubed food.”
Before Hadryn and Thaddius can further their examination of the body, two letters arrive for Hadryn. One is from a woman, Oshin Rysing, who is Hadryn’s long-time epistolary paramour, living outside the Tiered Nations in a rebel colony which resists the gluttonous ways of the city, and the second letter is from his father to notify Hadryn that Hadryn will be wedded to an unknown man, as is customary for young women of marrying age. Hadryn attends his engagement banquet with the intention of confronting his father, but strange occurrences of people who seem to be infected with a terrible disease leading to self-cannibalism arise, and a creature out of nightmares emerges.

Hadryn ventures out of the Tiered Nations for answers and to seek out Oshin. There, he meets Ardyce, a dragon, who tells him of gods, legends, and an age-old battle between her people and the mysterious race known as Wyrms.

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Lise Gold Living

Living by Lise Gold

During her morning exercise, yoga instructor Cam Saunders finds herself rescuing a young woman who has walked into the sea, seemingly intent on taking her own life. When the woman in question turns out to be a famous actress, Cam promises to keep her secret safe.
Six months later, America’s sweetheart Ella Temperley is working hard to get her life back on track, grieving the loss of her twin sister and fighting a deep depression. Despite her fame, she feels alone in the world and keeps thinking of the woman she owes her life to.
After Ella shows up in Cam’s life again, the two become closer than they ever imagined possible. But what happens when friendship turns into attraction? Living is a slow-burn coming-out romance about loss, love and life.

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EA Kafkalas Donning the Beard

Donning the Beard by EA Kafkalas

A gender-bending, historical romance.
In 1777, when Gabrielle’s mother dies in childbirth she is left to be raised by her father Lord Guillemot, a soldier in the King’s Army.
Orphaned Madeline is sent to live with her aunt Aimée, the lord’s housekeeper, and work for Lord Guillemot. She is assigned to care for the lord’s daughter, Gabrielle, and finds her best friend and the love of her life.
Gabrielle’s father discovers that she has taught Madeline to read and write, and tries to put an end to their friendship. They thwart his plans only to find that he has arranged a marriage for Gabrielle to Damien. Her fiancé proves to be a vile man, and unbeknownst to Gabrielle, Madeline poses as Alexandre, a new suitor. Alexandre challenges Damien to a duel of swords.
When Gabrielle discovers her new love’s true identity, the fall out sends them on a journey that takes them out of the rising French Revolution into a magical theatrical world in England. There, with the help of an actor and their father’s paramour –the grand dame of theatre– Mademoiselle Babcock, they think their dreams of have come true.
When Gabrielle’s father is rescued from imprisonment and makes his way back to England, will their dreams be dashed or will they finally get their happily ever after?

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Charlotte Mills Payback

Payback by Charlotte Mills

A thrilling lesbian mystery about trying to right a past wrong…despite the consequences.

Detective Constable Kate Wolfe is sent to a Cheshire backwater after falling foul of a disciplinary hearing in London. But before she even has a chance to settle in, Kate finds herself in a situation there’s no coming back from. She’s reported as a troublemaker to her new boss, Detective Chief Inspector Helen Taylor, a no-nonsense veteran who once had an esteemed, high-profile career.
The pair investigate a spate of arson attacks, a dead body found in a burnt out building, and a missing architect while fighting their growing attraction for each other. The discovery of a dumped vehicle in a quarry lake sparks a series of events that will change their lives forever.

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New Author

Elle Hyden Lost & Found A Magicaly Mystery tour

Lost & Found A Mystic Meteor Tale by Elle Hyden

Two lost souls are on a collision course. One searching for a life partner while the other mourns the loss of hers.

Selina is at a crossroads. No job, no home to call her own, and no partner. She has to turn her life around, but in which direction? Returning to her Native American roots, she seeks mystical aid from the spirit world, to find the life she hungers for.
Rea has been able to find a measure of solace after her wife’s death but longs for the crack in her heart to heal. Sighting a falling star, she sends her wish out into the universe, where it’s heard by the most unlikely allies.

Selina and Rea’s paths crossed many times in the past, but they’d never connected. Now they are being inescapably drawn together by fate, desire, and a touch of the mystical. Will love and trust prevail over loss and fear, so they can have their shot at being found forever?
Join them on their souls’ journey through the Lost & Found.

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KJ Coming Home

Coming Home by KJ

What would happen if your regular, ordinary, safe, everyday existence suddenly became…not any of those things? When Samantha Markson, Ordinary Person, is thrust into the life of Abigail Taylor, Not At All Ordinary Person, it proves to be an experience like she’s never had before. World famous actress, Abigail Taylor, is in Melbourne filming her new movie, and is accompanied by her nine year old daughter, Grace, because Abigail wants her to experience an Australian education for three months. Sam Markson is a teacher at one of the best schools in Melbourne, and is perfectly happy doing that, thank you very much, when she’s suddenly redirected from the classroom into the job as Grace’s teacher; a move so fast that even blinking would feel like slow motion. Sam has never met anyone like Abigail Taylor, and she starts to realise that her ordinary life might actually be missing something extraordinary.

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Science Fiction

Jessica Lucci Subton Switch

Subton Switch by Jessica Lucci

Subaquatic city, 1886. Verdandi, a fiery teen tinkerer, is held captive by an evil totalitarian government. She is blasted into a chaos of beauty and fear, depression and addiction.

Verdandi discovers that her only chance of liberty lies not only in trusting her friends, but in challenging her mind and body to fulfill her time travel quest. What begins in compulsion becomes necessity, and Verdandi finds herself torn between two very different worlds, with the only reconciliation being time.
The “Watch City” trilogy continues in “Subton Switch,” creating a testament of the power within us to change ourselves, and the world.

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BL Wilson Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat, Who’s my Sweet by BL Wilson

When wealthy, bossy, arrogant Delisa Winston discovers Nicky Gates, the man she just married as part of a business arrangement, is a woman pretending to be a man, she loses it, starting their marriage with a bang.

Nicholas/Nicolette Gates, a business person with varied tastes in women, mistakenly thinks that since Delisa is a lesbian, she’ll appreciate the revelation that she is gay as well.
Both parties think that they will continue on as before their marriage, dating who they want and enjoying the rewards of their merger. However, Nicky’s disclosure to Delisa has opened a whole new can of worms…and feelings.

Now it’s a question of what to do with the information Nicolette revealed to Delisa. Can the two women keep it a secret until they figure out what to do? Will they manage to stay married and keep their secret? If the secret gets out, what will happen to Nicolette and her company’s merger with Delisa? What will happen to Delisa’s companies and is she culpable? Do the women have a future together?

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