Judge applications always welcome

Do you have what it takes? You won’t know until you apply!

We have had doctors, lawyers, teachers, editors, and other professions! Please, take a moment to consider what this will mean to authors who have put blood, sweat, and tears into creating stories that mean something to the Lesbian/Sapphic and Women Loving Women community!

This is how our judging is different

If you feel you are up to the task, please apply here.


Hey there, hope you are having a terrific spring wherever you may be in the world!

We’re coming along on the last of the books, boy there were a lot this year, and the judges are wrapping it up. We are almost ready to announce the winners of the 2023 Lesfic Bard Awards. I know, you’re as anxious as I am!

Recently an author came to me and asked about our judges, were they college students I was using to read the books? We do not use college students and I don’t know why someone is spreading that particular rumor. The only thing I can think of was my own publishing experiences when I went back and had my early short stories and novellas read by students and polished, but that was years ago.

Our judges have been doctors, lawyers, teachers, and others who qualify to judge lesbian fiction. If any of them are back in college, students, they don’t make their personal life a part of our interactions. It really wouldn’t matter, at least in my opinion, because they are adults, judging books on their merits, the stories that make up our lesbian lives.

Occasionally, the website has gone down, I know that makes people (especially me) anxious as it makes it look like we disappeared. I’ve addressed that with our website provider, but hey, some of these things are just the joy of doing business in the world these days and we address the problems as they come. Like the rumor I mentioned above.

Should you have a question, please don’t hesitate to address it. Reach out to us and I’ll attempt to answer it as soon as possible. We want everyone to have faith in our awards, we’re attempting to make them the best there is, and I think after seven years of doing this, we’re succeeding.

K’Anne Meinel, Awards Coordinator

Unsung heroes

On behalf of the 2022 Lesfic Bard Awards, I want to express my gratitude to our judges who gave selflessly of their valuable time to read the many, many entries we received this last year. 

Not only did they read the entries, they graded them using the system we devised that we feel is almost perfect for lesbian literature.  While the judges’ names can’t be announced, I want them to know how much we appreciate their efforts on behalf of all the authors who entered our awards.

We are delighted that many of the judges who served in 2022 have already committed to return in 2023 for our sixth year of the Lesfic Bard Awards. 

If you have published since January or are planning to publish in 2023, you will want to enter your book in our awards as quickly as possible as outlined on our website because we anticipate our judges will be especially busy as the year progresses, especially because we allow authors/publishers to enter novella’s as well as novels.

to everyone who participated in our fifth year, and we look forward to meeting and welcoming those who will participate in future awards. 

K’Anne Meinel, Awards Administrator