Meet Author Alexi Venice, 2022 Lesfic Bard Award Winner for Action-Adventure and Mystery with Lady Hawthorne

Where were you when you heard you had won the Lesfic Bard Award?

I was on a road trip with my daughter and grandsons to watch my son-in-law play professional baseball. While catching up on emails, I noticed I was tagged in a social media post by another author so wondered if I’d done something wrong. I clicked on the post and it led me to the Lesfic Bard Awards website where I was astonished to see my name among the award recipients.

What was your reaction?

A surge of disbelief and elation bubbled up in my chest. I half-suspected I was getting pranked but once I checked and double checked, I realized that, indeed, Lady Hawthorne had married up and won two Lesfic Bard Awards. For all of her covert ops and steamy sexpionage, she grabbed the attention of the judges, so I was thrilled for her.

As for me, I’m humbled and honored to receive an award for chronicling Amanda Hawthorne’s badass behavior. Amanda is my favorite character to write about because she can go from the political stage to rehab in subsecond time, but she’s introspective and loves Dr. Jen, so she’s capable of spectacular turnarounds and victories. As any author knows, we pour our hearts and souls into our books then edit and polish them until we can’t even see the words any longer.

When you are writing each novel, are the experiences based on someone you know or events in your own life?

For both my San Francisco Mystery Series (SFMS) and Monica Spade Series, I draw heavily on the legal and personal experiences of my life. I lived in the San Francisco Bay area and practiced law in Silicon Valley at a very impressionable age. In fact, I wrote my first book while working there but never published it. Then I moved to the Midwest and became in-house counsel at an international healthcare organization.

Now that I’ve practiced law for 34 years, I’ve been intimately involved in a few chilling murder trials where my providers had to testify. Those make for high stakes drama but can drain good cheer pretty quickly. As a result, I use them sparingly in a broader storyline. I also like to incorporate geopolitical events in my stories, so they feel current and beg the question: “That could really happen, couldn’t it?”  Finally, I have a reservoir of medical trials where I’ve experienced some courtroom theater that spices up my characters and finds its way into subplots.

Suffice it to say that I use some of my own war stories to fuel my thrillers, but I take a ton of poetic license (and imagination) to blow up the action to a new level. I want my readers’ hearts to race as they connect with strong female characters who know their way around courtrooms, operating rooms, political stages, guns, and fast jets.

By the same token, my characters aren’t cold and calculating off the battlefield. I’ve dug down deep for a few of them to tap into vulnerabilities that are so tender they make me cry. A good example is Amanda Hawthorne doing some soul dredging in #SandyBottom, Book 6 in the SFMS.

In Lady Hawthorne, Book 7, Amanda is thrown into the trappings of an international spy, so I play around a little bit, sometimes parodying James Bond movies, while continuing the steamy, unpredictable thread of the sizzling relationship triangle among Amanda, Jen, and Roxy that has sustained the series. I also added a sprinkling of fantasy in Lady Hawthorne because who doesn’t love an unexpected tangle with an otherworldly beast?

What is the hardest part of writing a book? And, what is the easiest part of writing a book?

For me, the easiest part of writing a book is sitting down and typing 40 chapters for the first draft. That usually takes about three months. The absolute hardest part is the next six months that I spend rewriting, editing, discussing, polishing, and proofreading it. I have a new editor and she’s REALLY hard on me because I asked her to be. When I get the manuscript back from her, I usually have a month’s worth of work to do. The purpose behind the hard work is to publish the best book that I can possibly write at that period in my life because my readers deserve that. They’re spending money on entertainment and I’m competing for their attention. I want them to experience the thrills, adventure, and a range of other emotions while devouring my books, leaving them completely satisfied. When I’ve experienced that sense of connection and a thrill ride while reading books, I’m so grateful to the author.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on Book #8 in The San Francisco Mystery Series. Even though I’ve mentally mapped where I want to go with the series, I’m doing something I haven’t done before. I’m rereading (and polishing) the entire series myself to make sure I continue with the tone, pace, personalities, subtleties that my readers have come to expect, and the overall energy that drives the star of the series—Amanda Hawthorne. When I set out to write this series five years ago, I had a specific character trajectory in mind for Amanda, and she has crushed her role better than I could have imagined, but she isn’t finished dazzling us yet.

Readers tell me that they’re so drawn into Amanda, Jen, Tommy, and Roxy’s lives that they consider them friends by the end of the series. I do too. I think these characters resonate because I’ve stripped them down to their innermost selfish desires, then have driven the plot through all-out war as these characters fight for each other as much as they fight the bad guys. There’s nothing like life-or-death circumstances to bring out the true nature of a character—their grit, wit, kink, vices, and sexual desires. It all bleeds onto the page, and we’re just voyeurs of their exciting lives.

Similarly, I think my books have intimidated a few readers who are looking for easy-going sapphic romance. My story descriptions foreshadow serious material that involves the mafia or murder mystery or international spy games. I get that. Even so, when readers take a chance on my work, they discover romance, struggles with drug addiction and grief, and dark humor set against a backdrop of cops, docs, spies, and lawyers.

I encourage you to take a chance on Lady Hawthorne, SFMS, Book 7 for a dive into action, steamy sapphic sex, betrayal, cool spy gadgets, celebrities, fast horses, and even faster jets.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?

Some authors don’t read their reviews. I do. I love reviews—good, bad, or ugly. My readers express strong opinions about what’s happened in the series and where they want the storyline to go. I listen to those opinions.

For example, after reading Lady Hawthorne, a reviewer wrote: “WTH with Roxy!! One has a love/hate about her!” I smiled when I saw that because I love to hate a character in a book only to have that emotion challenged later when the character does something endearing. Roxy is connecting with readers, so I must be doing something right.

Also, readers have begged for Amanda and Dr. Jen to get married, so there’s that. I want them to get married too but obstacles keep popping up. I swear on my life, though, there will be a wedding ceremony in Book #8. It’s time. You’re all invited. Please take a seat on the bride’s side😊



Meet Elle Hyden, 2022 Lesfic Bard Award Winner for Fiction with Evermore

Where were you when you heard you had won the Lesfic Bard Award?  I got on Facebook, in the wee hours of the morning, because I knew the award winners were going to be announced and wanted to see who won.

What was your reaction?   I was very happy and extremely gratified to be honored with the award.

Where were you born?     San Antonio, Texas

Where did you grow up?   In San Antonio mostly, but spent my summers in Marble Falls where my mother’s family was from.

Do you have any siblings?   I had two brothers and one sister, but only have a brother that is still living.

What were your parent’s professions?   Both my parents were in Accounting, and that was also my primary profession until I retired and started writing.

Why do you write?   Because I have stories to tell that I hope will touch people’s lives.

What do you think makes good writing?  Authenticity

How do you choose the names for your characters?   I sometimes choose them based on their cultural background or the popularity of the name during the year they were born. And sometimes the characters choose their own names and tell me.

What is the first piece you ever wrote?  The first creative things I ever wrote were poems.

When you are writing each novel. Are the experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?   Yes, to both. I draw from my own experiences and those shared with me by others. I’ve also find inspiration in cultures that I research.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?  No. The book took on a life of its own from the very beginning, and the characters shared their story and emotions with me.

What is the hardest part of writing a book?   Not to push myself if the story isn’t unfolding in a way that is satisfying to me or finding the words that encompasses what I want to write.

What is the easiest part of writing a book?   Coming up with the basic story for the book.

Who do you have fans compare you to (other authors)?  I don’t know if my fans compare me to anyone because I am very much a niche genre author.

What are you working on now?  I’m actually, working on two books. The third book in the Mystic Meteor series is the one that is the furthest along at this time. The other is a time travel book that I have outlined and partially written, but it is research intensive and would require more focus than I can give it now.

How do you keep your different characters separate in your mind?   By the time I start to write my stories my characters already have well established personalities and backgrounds. They are real people in my head and they speak their minds to me so it is easy to keep them separate.

Do you write full-time or part-time?   I write as the spirit moves me. So at times it is full tilt and other times just a few hundred words or not at all.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?   I am a morning person. So, I have a little coffee while interacting on Facebook, which gives my brain time to come online before I start my writing day.

Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when?  Again, I write as the spirit moves me. Sometimes if the story is flowing well, I don’t notice the days flying by.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?   I do set a goal of 500 words a day on Scrivener. But I don’t get upset if I don’t meet that. There are times when I exceed those goals as well.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?  I’ve written all my books on small 13” laptops while sitting on my couch. lol

Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?  No I haven’t had the pleasure of doing that yet.

Where do your ideas come from?  Very simply they come from my overactive imagination.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?   All three.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?   Astronaut

What genres do you normally write in?   Romance blended with a mystical twist.

What genres do you typically read?   Fantasy and Science Fiction

Is there a genre you haven’t written in that one day you’d like to tackle?  I plan to write a Historical Time Travel book that will also have something of a mystical twist to it.

Are there any authors who have influenced your work?   Fletcher DeLancey and Caren Werlinger, because they are both superb storytellers.

What was the first book you ever published?   Lost & Found

What was the craziest thing you’ve ever done when it came to a storyline in your book?  It depends on how you define crazy. But I don’t think I’ve gone down that road with my stories.

Do you have any specific things (or rituals) that help you to write or that inspire you?   Not really. I just wait for the inspiration to hit me and spill out onto the page.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?  After I retired, I spent almost every waking hour reading, and started thinking up stories in my head. One idea really stuck and fired my imagination. I began writing it down just to see if I could craft a story as good as the ones I was reading.

Tell us about your new release.  Evermore was really close to my heart because of some of the issues I see in the world today.

What kind of heroine is in your current book?   The heroines of my current book Evermore, are the spirits that bring the characters together.

Is there someone famous she resembled when you wrote her? Or is she based off someone you personally know?  No, the spirits in both my books and my belief in soulmates come from my spirituality.

What are your favorite character traits that you cannot resist?   All my characters are strong, resilient women who are at the same time compassionate and loving.

What part of the female physique captures your attention?   Eyes. They truly are the windows of the soul.

As an author and essentially the “creator” of your character, do you find yourself attached to her/him in a personal way?   I’m attached in a personal way to all my characters. But I think the question is geared more toward a romantic nature. So yes, I do find the emotional connection of my characters to be quite stimulating.

Tell us what kind of heroines you prefer to write about.   Ones that overcome adversity.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite?   They are like children so no I don’t have a favorite.

What is your biggest distraction when you write?   When I am really focused on my writing nothing distracts me.

What are your major sources for research?  Do you use books or google?  Even movies?   Everything is a resource for me but mostly online search engines take me to sites that will answer most of my questions.

Which grammar rule is your favorite to break? Which one do you never break?   Comma placement is my nemesis and using passive voice at times. I rarely write fragmented sentences, and I’m very careful with pronouns.

If you could do a DREAM job (other than writing) what would it be and why? Have you used it in any of your stories?   I would love to learn to be a computer programmer and create games like Raven did in Evermore.

What kind of jobs have you have in the ‘real’ world?   Food service, Navy Electronics Technician, Accounting and Business Management.

If you could rewrite a CLASSIC novel as a lesbian fiction novel, which would you choose and why?   Bid Time Return––a 1975 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson. It was made into a movie Somewhere in Time as well.  I love the concept of two soulmates being kept apart by no living at the same time. I’m currently working on a story time travel story that will use that concept.

Some quickies (pardon the pun—pick twelve):

Satin or Lace?  Both

Hot or Cold?   Cold

Camera or Canvas?  Canvas

Denim or Leather?  Denim

Talking or Texting?   Talking

Irish or Italian?   Irish

Thunder or Lightning?  Both

The sound of a heartbeat or a crackling fire?   Heartbeat

Holding hands or Holding her attention?   Holding her attention

Crayons or Paint?  Paints

Mountains or Beach?   Mountains

Rain or Sunshine?   Rain

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members that ‘surprised’ you?  Other Lesfic authors have been a tremendous help. They’ve encouraged me to keep writing as served as beta readers for my books

If you could meet anyone famous, PAST or PRESENT who would it be, and why?  I would love to meet Katherine Hepburn.  I think she was phenomenal in every respect and I would love to ask her if she was gay or bi.

What were you like at school?  A jock so I hung out with teammates.

Were you good at English?  Not especially I was good at mathematics.  lol

What are your ambitions for your writing career?  To continue to improve my writing and tell stories that readers will enjoy.

If you could have anyone play the main character of one of your books, any actress/actor, who would you choose and why?  When I was writing Lost & Found I used Megan Fox as my model for the character Selina.  She’s mixed race with some Native American in her background and her blue eyes were the clincher.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?  At least a year and then another six months for beta readings and editing.

Do you ever get writer’s block?  Not really writer’s block, but there are times when the characters stop speaking to me.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?   Spend time exploring new stories or working on another WIP will be enough to jump start the process again.

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?   I think I gained confidence after I wrote Lost & Found and it was well received. That helped me relax into my writing more which made the way I told the story flow better.

Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?  I do read as much as possible, but when I’m writing I mostly reread favorite books so that I don’t get distracted. As to favorite authors I can’t answer that because there are so many I enjoy.

For your own reading, do you prefer eBooks or traditional paper/hard back books?  Ebooks because my eyes get so tired by the evening and I set the print to the largest setting.

Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?   I hire an editor, and I have some very good people that will proofread them for me after the editing phase.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?   No I didn’t because I was trying to get it published before the GCLS Conference so that I could take print books with me for anyone that might want an autographed one.

Tell us about the cover’s and how it they came about.   I have a very talented cover designer May Dawney. She did my first cover for the Mystic Meteor series and used some of the same elements for Evermore with the spectral Raven. As far as the rest of the design she asked for an overview of the story and brought all those elements together.

Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?   Absolutely. If the cover is eye catching a reader is more likely to stop and read the synopsis or download a sample.

How do you market your books?   Facebook groups mostly. I also advertised the release in a few of the Lesfic marketing sites like the Lesbian Review and I Heart Lesfic.

Why did you choose this route?   They are both sites that promote Lesfic books and make it easy for readers to find something to read.

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book?  Not a lot. Mostly just post in Facebook groups.

What do you do to get book reviews?   I have done give-a-ways and always ask if they enjoy the books to leave a review. That only works about 10% of the time from what I can tell.

How successful has your quest for reviews been so far?   Not as many written reviews as I would like but at least I get rating in Amazon so it makes the books more visible.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?  I try to learn from both what the readers like and what they didn’t, then just try and keep improving.

What’s your views on social media for marketing?   I think using Facebook groups are good for marketing as long as you don’t overshare because that tends to tick off the readers.

Did you get interviewed by local press/radio for your book launch?   No

Is there any marketing technique you used that had an immediate impact on your sales figures?   Well not a marketing technique, but when The Lesbian Review showcased Evermore, I noticed an uptick in both it  and Lost & Found. That got both books some really good publicity.

Did you make any marketing mistakes or is there anything you would avoid in future?   Not that I know of.

Do you think that giving books away free works and why?   I’ve done several book give-a-ways, but I really don’t think that it garnered reviews or made the books standout more.

Did you format your own book?   Yes, I use the Vellum software for that and love it.

In what formats is your book available?   Both ebook and print.

How do you relax?   Read and listen to music.

What is your favorite positive saying?   This too shall pass.

What is your favorite book and why?  I have more than one and for different reasons.

What is your favorite quote?  Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get – only with what you are expecting to give – which is everything.  Katharine Hepburn

Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?   I will be living the best life possible with my partner and traveling. Hopefully I’ll still be writing books that will lift people up and look for the positive in life.

What is your favorite movie and why?   Fried Green Tomatoes because of Idgie Threadgood and I love Tawanda.

What advice would you give to your younger self?   Figure out sooner who and what you are, then go for it.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?  The Chronicles of Alsea by Fletcher DeLancey because I would love to be that good an author.

‘Borrowed’ permanently from James Lipton on The Actor’s Studio:

What is your favorite word?  Türklingel  (doorbell in German)
What is your least favorite word?   Cunt
What turns you on?   Tenderness

What turns you off?   Intolerance
What sound or noise do you love?   Thunderstorms
What sound or noise do you hate?    Screeching sounds
What is your favorite curse word?   Shit
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?   Computer programming
What profession would you not like to do?   Sales and marketing

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?   You did good.

If you had to use THREE words to DESCRIBE yourself and you were looking from the outside, how would you describe yourself?   Loving, compassionate, and joyful.

If you could have one and only one super-power, what would it be and why?  Seer.  If I could tell the future I could play the big lotto jackpots and become rich enough to spread that wealth out to those who really need it.

Have you ever Googled yourself? If you did, what did you find out about yourself?  I do for time to time just to see what new things might have been added.

Pen name vs no pen name? What was your rationale?   I decided to use a pen name because at the time I wrote my first book I wasn’t out yet with any in my family. But it also adds a layer of protection against those pesky copy cats on Facebook cloning accounts.

Besides writing THE END, how do you KNOW a story is over and you should conclude it?   It depends on if you are writing a one-off book. Even though Evermore can be read as a standalone it really is the continuing story of Lily (the lead spirit) bringing new couples together with the power of fate and the mystic meteor.

What do you think of the ‘explosion’ of available titles for the Lesbian Fiction Reader that have come onto the market vs say 5-10-20 years ago? Is this a good thing or bad?   It’s great but harder for an author to get noticed at first.

Are you a quiet person or verbose in person?   Depends on the situation. Quiet at first until I get to know someone then I get chatty.

If you were stuck on an island with only three books, which three would you like them to be?   The Stand by Stephen King, The Chronicles of Alsea by Fletcher DeLancey, and the Anne of Green Gables book series by L.M. Montgomery.

If you were stuck in an elevator with three people, who would you like them to be?   My lady love, our cat Lexie, and Little Debbie because she will have treats with her.

20 years from now your books are assigned to a women’s studies class. What would you want them to say about your body of work?   “I really connected with the diversity of the characters in Elle Hyden’s books.”

Do you consider yourself successful at this thing called writing? What makes you think that?   Yes. After several of my short stories being included in anthologies, along with two full length novels (both of which were recognized with Lesfic Bard Awards) being published, I feel I can considered myself a success at this writing thing.

Were there any teachers that stood out through school?  Anyone that made it bearable and that you remember fondly?   Yes, my 4th Grade teacher Mrs. Orson who taught me to love reading which opened my mind the world around me. Also, my Government teacher Mrs. VerSteeg.  She made me want to use the system to make things better for all.  Too bad politics don’t work that way.

If you had a time machine, would you go forward or back in time and why?   I wouldn’t go backward or forward. I am very happy with the way my life is now.

Do you believe in astrological signs and what they mean? Do you think you follow your own and are stereotypical of what it says about your birth day/year?   I think it is fascinating but not sure I believe in them.  I was born on the cusp between Cancer and Leo and share traits of both.  I once had a natal horoscope done and it was pretty accurate, so who knows.

What is the scariest thing you have ever attempted in your life?   Writing. You really put yourself out there when you do that.

If you could make out with one character from a movie, who would it be and why?  Catherine Bell from The Good Witch, because I find her oh so sexy.

Is there one scene from your book Evermore that is the most memorable?   The scene where Raven is feverish and begs for love. At that point Lynn has to decide if she can open her heart and give Raven what she needs.

What is the one thing that surprised you about becoming a published author?   That both books have done well in the ratings. Lost & Found made the 100 Club a few weeks ago and Evermore is close to the 50 ratings mark.



To see all the winners, click here

2022 Winners of the Lesfic Bard Awards

Action Adventure

Lady Hawthorne, SFMS, Book 7

Alexi Venice

Amanda Hawthorne, Dr. Jen Dawson, and Detective Tommy Vietti volunteer to help in the aftermath of a terrorist attack in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dr. Jen treats victims in the hospital, including someone once very special to her, but makes a new friend in Nurse Denni Russo.

While on a dark ops mission, Amanda summons her inner strength to avoid falling into old habits as she learns earth-shattering revelations about her Scottish ancestry.

Tommy feels like he’s walking on shifting sands as he transitions from a city detective to an international agent, relying on his gut instincts, drinking abilities, and shooting skills.

Roxy performs a highwire balancing act by revealing something life-changing to Amanda while deftly training Tommy and Amanda to operate in her clandestine world.

Roxy, Tommy, and Amanda might be outgunned and outnumbered on foreign soil, but they’ll never be outsmarted as they attempt to save humanity.


Awakening Souls: A Tale of Love Recovered

Angie K. Love

A serendipitous reconnection. A trip to France. A powerful attraction that never waned.  Does true love grant second chances?

Alex: There’s my Sage, looking more beautiful than ever! What are the odds I’d run into her the first time I’m on a date—with a woman? My heart and body have always wanted her, but my faith led me to walk away seventeen months ago . . .

When she asks me to join her on a trip to France, my head spins. Is this God giving me a second chance? Will I be able to show up in the way Sage deserves if I say yes, or will my old demons and guilt come back to haunt me?

Sage: My body and heart respond to Alex as strongly as ever, while my mind’s apparently already on vacation. I hear myself invite her on my trip to France . . . What am I thinking?!

I know the pain of losing her intimately—but she’s clearly been working on herself, and I, too, have been doing my own healing. Still, is it crazy to risk my heart a second time?

Can love overcome all obstacles and mend old wounds?


Mistress of Desire

Ruby Scott

When healing the past to find your truth means tearing down everything you thought you knew about yourself, would you have the courage to face the challenge?

Having escaped Mhairi’s clutches, Alison is on a journey of self-discovery supported by her polyamorous lovers (Victoria and Abby) as well as Dr Eleanor Hopkins, her charismatic therapist. But the path to a bolder future is never straight, and as she delves into the depths of her desires, every twist and turn means navigating unchartered territory.

Where will her journey take her, and will her current relationship be able to withstand the inevitable change that follows?


Persephone’s Mare

Iza Moreau

Persephone Gwilt lives with her mother, Alice, and their horses on a small farm in rural North Florida. Alice had intended to wait until Persephone turned 18 to reveal to her that their real home was a magical place called Equidona, which they had fled because Alice was being hunted by Rogue Wizards. But, when Alice is killed several months before Persephone’s birthday, the 17-year-old finds herself whisked away to a world that uses magic instead of technology and where the management and training of horses is the main enterprise.

But the Rogue Wizards are still on the hunt—this time for Persephone. So together with a small band of her new friends, Persephone sets out across Equidona on horseback, following the steps that her mother had taken twenty years earlier. She learns that Alice was once a member of the Pathfinders, seven wizards and witches who had banded together to search for ancient magical powers. She also finds that she can communicate with the Old Ones—gigantic, almost-mystical horses that still roam Equidona.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Persephone begins to discover that it is she who must undertake a bold and very unlikely plan to defeat the Rogue Wizards before they can subjugate and forever destroy Equidona.


Evermore (A Mystic Meteor Tale Book 2)

Elle Hyden

In Book Two of this Mystic Meteor Tale, the meddling spirit Lily is back in matchmaking mode, working with a few new cohorts to help two women find their Evermore.

Raven, a reclusive but wealthy video game developer, needs more than just a paid caretaker; she needs true healing to melt the cold core of her deeply wounded heart. She’s lived her entire life without love and trusts no one. Only once did Raven allow anyone close, but it wasn’t to be, and she vowed Nevermore!

Lynn, a gifted empath, seeks a safe haven not only for herself but for a little girl that she’s sworn to protect. Like Raven, she experienced an early childhood rejection. Although she didn’t close herself off to others, Lynn has never shared herself entirely with another. It has kept her moving on from one relationship to another.

The advent of a spectral raven starts these women down a path that can potentially redress these old hurts if only they can open their hearts to each other. Join these two women in their quest to discover if the spirits and fate will bring them together or tear them apart.



Once In Berlin

Jo Havens

Could you spy on the woman you loved?

It’s 1938 and Europe teeters on the edge of war.
In Berlin, life for Mila Nessian – genius mathematician, billionaire and womaniser – is one long party. A spot of rocket science by day, the Third Reich’s prettiest daughters by night. She knows what they whisper behind their hands – that Germany’s most dazzling mind has nothing but a calculator where her heart should be, a sliver of ice instead of soul. She smirks through yet another boring cocktail party and hopes they’re wrong.

Cecelia Balfour is dragged to Berlin by her socialite mother – and it’s the last place she wants to be. Cecelia has lost a lover and worries that her heart is too bruised to ever properly love again. To distract her, to maybe get her back in the game, her cousin at MI6 sets up a play: flirt with Mila Nessian, capture her secrets, lure her back to London.

Because what Mila is working on could steer the course of the coming war. The Nazis want her brilliance, British Secret Intelligence wants her silence, and Cecelia – once she has laughed with her, slept with her, sipped champagne on a zeppelin with her and lost her heart to her – Cecelia wants her love.

Can she win Mila’s trust and save her from the powers that control both their lives?


Lady Hawthorne, SFMS, Book 7

Alexi Venice

Amanda Hawthorne, Dr. Jen Dawson, and Detective Tommy Vietti volunteer to help in the aftermath of a terrorist attack in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dr. Jen treats victims in the hospital, including someone once very special to her, but makes a new friend in Nurse Denni Russo.

While on a dark ops mission, Amanda summons her inner strength to avoid falling into old habits as she learns earth-shattering revelations about her Scottish ancestry.

Tommy feels like he’s walking on shifting sands as he transitions from a city detective to an international agent, relying on his gut instincts, drinking abilities, and shooting skills.

Roxy performs a highwire balancing act by revealing something life-changing to Amanda while deftly training Tommy and Amanda to operate in her clandestine world.

Roxy, Tommy, and Amanda might be outgunned and outnumbered on foreign soil, but they’ll never be outsmarted as they attempt to save humanity.

New Author

Joi Lansing … A Body To Die For: A Love Story

Alexis Hunter

“Joi Lansing: A Body to Die For colorfully chronicles personal and intimate details of the last four years of the talented ‘50’s “blonde bombshell” star’s fascinating life. After three decades of successful TV and movie appearances and Vegas singing stardom, Ms. Lansing died far too young at just 43. Though her funeral was attended by luminaries of the day (Frank Sinatra sent a huge floral display), her light went out relatively unceremoniously. Always just on the verge of “making it big,” Joi packed them in with standing room only in Vegas, but when the curtain came down and the audience was gone, who was she? Sadly, the one relationship where she was loved for the sweet, gentle woman she really was, the friendship that might have given her the strength to finally cross the finish line for that one moment of glory for which she had run since she began in show business as a little girl of 14, was ended at her death from breast Cancer in the arms of her dear friend, “Rachel.” “Author Alexis Hunter (“friend/baby sister”) was the only person who really knew Joi and knew how she struggled with a suicide-obsessed self-image and deadly drug problem after being a child star at MGM where “uppers” were a common way to keep the kids working 20 hour days.


Georgetown Glen: Queermunity Living At Its Finest

Annette Mori

Lucy Manetti is positively euphoric over her recent purchase of an old ghost town. Unfortunately, she failed to consult with her wife, Bea, before buying the abandoned village. Predictably, Bea is not as enamored with transforming the ghost town into a sapphic retirement community, but Bea’s love for her wife trumps her displeasure over Lucy’s impulsiveness. The mature couple hires Fiona, an expert at restoring old houses, and Saville, a certified electrician, to bring the ghost town back to its glory days.

According to the adorable real estate agent who recommended the pair, Fiona and Saville have history. Lucy detects a spark between the two young women and decides, against the advice of her wife, to play matchmaker, bringing her beautiful niece into the mix. As the ragtag team begins their work on the old saloon, they discover a lot more than they bargained for, including ghosts, long-buried secrets, an abused golden retriever, and maybe even love.


Broken Beyond Repair

Emily Banting

An age-gap, celebrity ice queen romance that will pull at the heart strings — even the icy ones!

Sydney MacKenzie, personal assistant to the rich and famous, is looking forward to a well-earned break to go travelling in her beloved VW camper van, Gertie — that is, until Gertie cries off sick. When her boss calls in a favour, one that will pay Sydney handsomely and put Gertie back on the road, she can’t refuse.

Internationally renowned actress Beatrice Russell — adored by her fans and despised by those that know her — is splashed across the tabloids, all thanks to her broken leg. She limps back to her palatial English country estate to convalesce for the summer, where she finds herself in need of yet another new assistant.

Enter Sydney, who doesn’t take kindly to the star’s demands, attitude, or clicking fingers — much less her body’s own attraction to the gorgeous diva. If not for that, and Gertie’s worn-out engine, she would leave tomorrow. Or so she tells herself.

As the summer heats up, the ice queen begins to thaw, and Sydney glimpses the tormented woman beneath the celebrity bravado, drawing her ever closer to the enigmatic actress — sometimes too close.

Can Sydney reach the real Beatrice and help heal her wounds before the summer ends and she returns to filming in the States, or is the celebrity broken beyond repair?


Broken Beyond Repair

Emily Banting



May I Call You Mistress?

Ruby Scott

If the woman that filled your teenage sexual fantasies walks back into your life seventeen years later, more beautiful and bolder than you thought possible, would you be able to resist?

Photographer Abby Mason comes to her friends rescue, stepping in at the last minute to cover a product shoot, but when she meets the client, the stunning redhead, Victoria Fraser, Abby’s world changes forever.

When the power of fantasy consumes reality, Abby has only one question, “May I Call You Mistress?”

The most intoxicating moments in life are ones we earn. But how hard would you work for one of those moments?



Takes and Tales

Penelope Merrell

One day in the life of Nadine Raider. A photographer, she prepares photos for a retrospective during Pride Month. The black and white photos are her seldom seen LGBQT home portraits. Each portrait session required a number of takes. Between the takes, she heard tales of people’s lives. Nadine recalls their stories as she reviews files and selects photos. Memories from her own life surface and intertwine as she looks back to those times.

There were her early days among girl friends and finding herself as a lesbian. There was a wrenching love affair. There was the ongoing work to develop her career and the years of being alone. Now mature, Nadine muses on the years before meeting Marlys. Marlys who likes oatmeal and is a willing assistant handmaid to their Abyssinian cat.

By day’s end Nadine settles on 17 photo groups. Among their stories are a lesbian couple dining with seemingly clueless parents, two house proud gays who spiff up their neighborhood, and a gay man dealing with a death threat at work. The stories range from humor to heartbreak, AIDS to Pride Parades. Whether older or younger, they experience love and loss, acceptance and rejection. But romance also blooms and humor threads their stories as they shape their lives.

Follow as Nadine recalls these defiant, courageous, and colorful people who lived through the cultural struggles and triumphed. And finally Nadine’s story as she finds love in middle age.

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​Every click on the buy links contributes a small % of the sale of the books to help us support our awards, advertising, and the promotion of the authors who are winners or finalists.

2022 Lesfic Bard Awards Runner-up

At this time we would like to thank ALL the entrants into the 2022 Lesfic Bard Awards. We received the MOST entries this year in all the years we have been running the awards. Our judges were kept quite busy!


Britt Evans’ working holiday on picturesque Santorini turns perilous when a Greek photographer plunges from the island’s steep cliffs. The death is ruled an accident, but the enigmatic Susan Marcello of the American Embassy suspects otherwise. She enlists Britt to discover the truth, but is it a setup that will take her life?

Into the mix sails Cassie Burkhardt, a windsurfing computer engineer at the archaeological site. She finds herself falling hard for the enchanting Professor Evans… and becomes, like Britt, caught in a treacherous game between Greek intelligence and a criminal enterprise.

A gripping suspense/romance blend set in the land of myths and ancient ruins.


Nicole, a socially awkward loner, hasn’t seen her family of origin or her hometown for decades. Blocking out the pain and memories of her earlier life, she’s spent this time honing her skills as a talented wildlife photographer. When she’s offered a dream contract for a book, she hesitates, realizing that she would have to return to her hometown to do it. She takes it, hoping she can enjoy it without seeing her family, the woman she had adored from afar, or dredging up the past.


Syrene Harkman likes to be in control. She heads an award-winning global architectural firm, she designs things of beauty, she pays for the finest pleasures. When she loses one of the biggest jobs in her company’s history and turns forty-five on the same day, she does not appreciate the cheap, tacky, dive of a strip club her friends drag her to. With a half-decent whiskey in her hand, she decides to stay. What’s the worst that could happen?

Burlesque dancer and stripper Beatriz Rose has bills to pay, her grandmother to support and dreams of one day doing something more with that art-school degree than just repaying the student debt. She never expects true love to strike when she’s at work, but when it does, it hits her hard in the form of a steely, demanding and outright gorgeous woman. Bea breaks her own rules and finds herself in a client’s bed.

They’re perfect for each other but their worlds are a million miles apart. In the aftermath of a one night stand that flares hotter than either expected, the two women decide they’re meant for each other—but real life has other ideas.

Society tells them one night to forever is a fairy tale.


Amanda Hawthorne, Dr. Jen Dawson, and Detective Tommy Vietti volunteer to help in the aftermath of a terrorist attack in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dr. Jen treats victims in the hospital, including someone once very special to her, but makes a new friend in Nurse Denni Russo.

While on a dark ops mission, Amanda summons her inner strength to avoid falling into old habits as she learns earth-shattering revelations about her Scottish ancestry.

Tommy feels like he’s walking on shifting sands as he transitions from a city detective to an international agent, relying on his gut instincts, drinking abilities, and shooting skills.

Roxy performs a highwire balancing act by revealing something life-changing to Amanda while deftly training Tommy and Amanda to operate in her clandestine world.

Roxy, Tommy, and Amanda might be outgunned and outnumbered on foreign soil, but they’ll never be outsmarted as they attempt to save humanity.


Lucy Manetti is positively euphoric over her recent purchase of an old ghost town. Unfortunately, she failed to consult with her wife, Bea, before buying the abandoned village. Predictably, Bea is not as enamored with transforming the ghost town into a sapphic retirement community, but Bea’s love for her wife trumps her displeasure over Lucy’s impulsiveness. The mature couple hires Fiona, an expert at restoring old houses, and Saville, a certified electrician, to bring the ghost town back to its glory days.
According to the adorable real estate agent who recommended the pair, Fiona and Saville have history. Lucy detects a spark between the two young women and decides, against the advice of her wife, to play matchmaker, bringing her beautiful niece into the mix. As the ragtag team begins their work on the old saloon, they discover a lot more than they bargained for, including ghosts, long-buried secrets, an abused golden retriever, and maybe even love.


Attracted by passion, repelled by war. Can two shieldmaidens navigate battlegrounds of the sword and the heart?
A Viking sapphic enemies-to-lovers action/romance

Sigrid the Valiant is legendary throughout the kingdoms of Norvegr for her heroic deeds, but her love has yet to find a home. Now, racing on the heels of her father’s murder, a neighboring kingdom’s raids signal an all-out conflict.

Elyn is a young shieldmaiden with a score to settle, fighting her own insecurities along with enemies who threaten her homeland, but she suspects a more menacing danger lurks in the shadows.

When the two clash on opposite sides of their shield walls, sparks fly from both their swords and passions. But when they talk, the fierce women discover an antagonist’s plot has pitted their kingdoms against each other.

Can Sigrid and Elyn move past their suspicions and differences to forge a binding love and foil the villain’s scheme, or will the enemy’s assassins end their search for the truth?

Action, adventure, and intrigue ride together with romance in this enemies-to-lovers saga from the pre-Viking land of Norvegr. Award-winning, best-selling author Edale Lane brings history to life in this fast-paced sapphic novel.

Grab your ax and rönd and join the quest by clicking to buy now!


Solving mysteries is her business. Finding love is her dream. Will combining the two get her killed?
Daring Duplicity: The Wellington Mysteries, Vol. 1, Adventures of a Lesbian Victorian Detective is a collection of five sequential novellas, each encompassing its own exciting mystery while furthering the story of Stetson’s life in London.

Victorian Era England. Stetson revels in being unconventional. So when society shies away from her independent nature, the bold woman creates an imaginary boss and opens her own detective agency. And her keen observational skills, convincing disguises, and Holmesian methods quickly bring in a string of tough-to-crack cases.

Struggling to squeeze a personal life in around a series of hazardous investigations, Stetson worries she’ll never find a woman of like-passions. But with her heart set on true love despite the risk, she carries on hunting for the perfect relationship.

Will her clever escapades lead to death, or delight?

If you enjoy crime dramas, Victorian era fiction, or a sweet lesbian romance, then you’ll love award-winning author Edale Lane’s Daring Duplicity.

New Author

My world turned to shades of grey as I squared my shoulders and turned around. The woman with the short, dark hair and the blue scarf was the only source of color in the coffee shop. I seemed to glide across the floor until I found myself standing by her table. She had been stunning from across the room; up close she dazzled.

Suddenly, there was Sophie….

On the surface, Jensy Willett appears to have it all: good friends, a storied basketball career, a great job, and most important, the love of her life, Sophie Barnes.

But there is a secret in Jensy Willett’s past that she will not share. Not even with her beloved Sophie. That vow of silence will have far-reaching ramifications when a chance encounter results in a disastrous decision. A decision that will tear at the fabric of Jensy and Sophie’s relationship and send them spiraling out of control.

Can their relationship be saved?


In Book Two of this Mystic Meteor Tale, the meddling spirit Lily is back in matchmaking mode, working with a few new cohorts to help two women find their Evermore.

Raven, a reclusive but wealthy video game developer, needs more than just a paid caretaker; she needs true healing to melt the cold core of her deeply wounded heart. She’s lived her entire life without love and trusts no one. Only once did Raven allow anyone close, but it wasn’t to be, and she vowed Nevermore!

Lynn, a gifted empath, seeks a safe haven not only for herself but for a little girl that she’s sworn to protect. Like Raven, she experienced an early childhood rejection. Although she didn’t close herself off to others, Lynn has never shared herself entirely with another. It has kept her moving on from one relationship to another.

The advent of a spectral raven starts these women down a path that can potentially redress these old hurts if only they can open their hearts to each other. Join these two women in their quest to discover if the spirits and fate will bring them together or tear them apart.



Lenora owned a bar and had a great family and friends. But two things were missing.

One she was working on and the other just walked into her bedroom.

Jess was new in town and just started at the South Bend Indiana Police station in homicide. Her partner Sam had to make a quick stop one morning and she followed her in not knowing this one innocent move could very well change their lives forever.

If you are looking for an honest look at what really goes on in a relationship with a good laugh or two, not to mention hot sex that curls your toes be ready to enjoy, Rainbow Roses.

Novella ~ Erotica

Emily – I like simplicity, calmness and I love routine. So you can imagine how much I disliked having to find a new place to live and a new roommate. River is cluttered, she is a tornado of personality, sarcasm and nerdiness that makes my left eye twitch. Not to mention her hellcat, Gizmo, who wants to kill me in my sleep. But, once I looked past the wall of sarcastic remarks and attitude, I saw the real her, the one that she couldn’t show to the world and seeing her in that light became a drug.

River – I have a five year plan. Keep my head down, work myself up the ladder at the law firm and keep my ass tucked neatly in the closet until I can support myself without my parents’ help. It was going perfect, that is until Emily walked into my loft, critiquing my grammar and telling me exactly why the Ravenclaw house was far less superior than Hufflepuff. She irritated me, like an itch I couldn’t scratch, until she wasn’t. Then she became the person that made me want to throw away my five year plan for, but how could I? How could I throw my career, my life away for my roommate?

Novella ~ New Author

You can see all these, including links and bio’s (where available) on the website!

Lesfic Bard Awards is a participant in the Amazon Associates program.  This costs you nothing additional if you use our links above.
​Every click on the buy links contributes a small % of the sale of the books to help us support our awards, advertising, and the promotion of the authors who are winners or finalists.

Call out for Judges

Lesfic Bard Awards Website

Calling all judges!

Minneapolis, MN – The Lesfic Bard Awards has issued its Proclamation for Judges for the 2018 awards season.

These awards are presented each year to recognize excellence in lesbian literature, also known as Lesfic.

The judging process will open January 1, 2018 and run through to December 31, 2018. The awards administrators will review, consult, and select the judges. Those selected will be notified via email.

Consideration will be given to all interested parties in a fair, equitable, and professional manner, but experienced judges will have priority. We have sixteen (16) categories spanning a vast array of lesbian literature, so there is something to pique many interests.

Each category will be assigned up to five (5) judges. Judges may apply for more than one category but must be able to maintain their responsibilities in a fair and prompt manner for each category they choose.

Judges must complete and sign the Application of Interest form and must be accepted by our awards administrators before they begin judging. Judges must submit their scoring for all books in their category no later than February 15, 2019.

For more information regarding the Lesfic Bard Awards, the nomination process, deadlines, and eligibility, please visit our website.